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A publication of December Communications, Inc.
Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine
ISSN 1076-027X / Volume 4, Number 2 / February 1, 1997
- Editor's Page: The Intertwined Fortunes of Netizens and Online Communities
- Amelia DeLoach introduces this special issue
on the Netizen and
points out how the various viewpoints on
the term represented in this special issue exhibit the
same multi-faceted nature as online communities themselves.
The Netizens and Community Networks
Michael Hauben
discusses how he developed the term,
Netizen, and how its original definition has its
roots in ARPANET and the cooperation the early net
Establishing a Point of View Toward
Virtual Communities
Frank Weinreich disputes the concept of "virtual
communities." He contends that communities rely on
interaction on a face-to-face basis, which most
mediated contacts don't currently promote.
Consequently, "Netizenship" cannot be defined by being
a part of the Net but by showing a certain attitude
towards CMC.
(How) Can Software Agents Become Good Net
Software agents, bots, and spiders reside on the
Internet, work on the Internet, and facilitate many
positive communicative roles on the Internet. Because
of these facts, Sabine Helmers, Ute Hoffmann & Jillian
Stamos-Kaschke contend that these online "actors"
conform to current definitions of Netizens and should
therefore be considered such.
Notes from the Underground
What are the citzen's of the online world like?
The online world is truly a confluence of many communities. In
this interview, Richard Thieme talks to
Se7en, a hacker and phreaker who has emerged from the underground.
Book Review: Balancing the Global
Through the Local
Leslie Regan-Shade finds Stephen Doheny-Farina's The Wired
Neighborhood a much needed reminder of our need to rethink
our visions of cyberspace, and ground them in local
CMC News: The Internet Is 'Mission Critical' For Business
- Chris Lapham reports on what happened at
the Fourth Internet World Conference in New York City
this past December. The question isn't about if the online world will
have a role in business; the question is what role that will be.
Call For Articles: Looking Backwards
John December calls for articles for the upcoming special
third anniversary issue of
CMC Magazine.
For this issue we ask our readers, contributors, and
editors to take a look back at our best articles and
comment on them. What was good? What are your insights?
Call For Articles: Data Collection on the Internet
Whom can a Netizen trust?
Which organizations and institutions do monitor the net?
What are the privacy
issues concerning automatic data collection online?
Dirk vom Lehn will be the special guest editor of an upcoming
issue of CMC Magazine on data collection on the Internet.
The Last Link: Communities Exist in Cyberspace
Does the self-organizing and
self-aware nature of online activity
prove the existence of communities online?
Letters to the editor always welcome: