Version//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict//EN
Purposetitle of document
DescriptionThis element encloses the title of a document. Since the TITLE element occurs inside the document's HEAD element, it is not considered to be part of the displayed content of the document itself. Typically, a browser will display the title of a document on its titlebar. You can have exactly one TITLE in the document. The contents of the TITLE can be any amount of text. For example:
  Hello World Demonstration Document
Start tagRequired <TITLE>
SDAFORM CDATA #FIXED "Ti"one to one mapping; in support of transformation to the International Committee for Accessible Document Design DTD for usable access to structured information by print-impaired individuals
Content( #PCDATA )* -( META | LINK )
End tagRequired </TITLE>
Referenced in HEAD
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