Blues: teal cyan blue
Neutrals: black, grays, white | Warms: red orange brown yellow yellowgreen | Greens: green teal | Blues: teal cyan blue You are here | Purples: indigo purple violet pink red | Mix your own at Swatch Control
The chart below shows the hexadecimal color codes for shades of blue, teal, cyan, and similar colors. This page is part of The Hex Hub of The Color Spot at HTML Station. You can use a quick reference table to choose from among the many other color tables available or to see the meaning of the labels (Safe 16 SVG Hex3).
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azure4 | #838B8B | light cyan4 | #7A8B8B | azure3 | #C1CDCD | |||
paleturquoise4 | #668B8B | light cyan3 | #B4CDCD | darkslategray (SVG) | #2F4F4F | |||
darkslategrey (SVG) | #2F4F4F | cadetblue | #5F9F9F | light blue | #C0D9D9 | |||
darkslategray4 | #528B8B | azure2 | #E0EEEE | paleturquoise3 | #96CDCD | |||
sgiteal | #388E8E | darkslategray3 | #79CDCD | light cyan2 | #D1EEEE | |||
light blue | #8FD8D8 | aqua (Safe Hex3) | #66CCCC | turquoise | #ADEAEA | |||
medium turquoise | #70DBDB | paleturquoise2 | #AEEEEE | paleturquoise (SVG) | #AFEEEE | |||
darkslategray2 | #8DEEEE | metallic mint | #37FDFC | teal (16 SVG) | #008080 | |||
darkcyan (SVG) | #008B8B | cyan3 | #00CDCD | cyan2 (Hex3) | #00EEEE | |||
aqua (Safe 16 SVG Hex3) | #00FFFF | cyan (Safe 16=aqua SVG Hex3) | #00FFFF | darkslategray1 | #97FFFF | |||
paleturquoise1 (Hex3) | #BBFFFF | lightcyan (SVG) | #E0FFFF | azure (SVG) | #F0FFFF | |||
darkturquoise (SVG) | #00CED1 | cadetblue (SVG) | #5F9EA0 | turquoise4 | #00868B | |||
turquoise3 | #00C5CD | turquoise2 | #00E5EE | turquoise1 | #00F5FF | |||
swimming pool | #67E6EC | fenway monster | #4A777A | teal LED | #05EDFF | |||
cadetblue4 | #53868B | old copper | #73B1B7 | indiglo | #05E9FF | |||
cadetblue3 | #7AC5CD | cadetblue2 | #8EE5EE | cerulean | #05B8CC | |||
cadetblue1 | #98F5FF | powderblue (SVG) | #B0E0E6 | pastel blue | #C1F0F6 | |||
nypd blue | #39B7CD | lindsay eyes | #65909A | diamond blue | #0EBFE9 | |||
robin's egg | #C3E4ED | light blue4 | #68838B | surf | #63D1F4 | |||
light blue3 | #9AC0CD | lake michigan | #50A6C2 | lightblue (SVG) | #ADD8E6 | |||
light blue2 | #B2DFEE | deepskyblue4 | #00688B | deepskyblue3 | #009ACD | |||
skyblue5 (Safe Hex3) | #0099CC | deepskyblue2 | #00B2EE | deepskyblue (SVG) | #00BFFF | |||
light blue1 | #BFEFFF | peacock | #33A1C9 | LCD dark | #507786 | |||
skyblue (SVG) | #87CEEB | summersky | #38B0DE | police strobe | #0BB5FF | |||
caribbean | #42C0FB | blue shark | #6996AD | carolina blue | #539DC2 | |||
steelblue | #236B8E | skyblue6 | #3299CC | topaz | #0198E1 | |||
blue line | #33A1DE | light skyblue4 | #607B8B | pacific blue | #35586C | |||
blue sponge | #5D92B1 | light skyblue3 | #8DB6CD | liz eyes | #325C74 | |||
light skyblue2 | #A4D3EE | blue mist | #82CFFD | neon blue | #67C8FF | |||
light skyblue1 | #B0E2FF | lightskyblue (SVG) | #87CEFA | skyblue3 | #6CA6CD | |||
skyblue4 | #4A708B | cerulean blue | #9BC4E2 | skyblue2 | #7EC0EE | |||
skyblue1 | #87CEFF | malta blue | #517693 | lake huron | #5D7B93 | |||
blue whale | #42647F | steelblue (SVG) | #4682B4 | steelblue3 | #4F94CD | |||
steelblue2 | #5CACEE | steelblue1 | #63B8FF | blue dog | #525C65 | |||
steelblue4 | #36648B | tropical blue | #62B1F6 | blue ice | #74BBFB | |||
aliceblue (SVG) | #F0F8FF | aquamarine | #4E78A0 | indigo dye | #0D4F8B | |||
slategrey (SVG) | #708090 | slategray (SVG) | #708090 | lightslategrey (SVG Hex3) | #778899 | |||
lightslategray (SVG Hex3) | #778899 | lake erie | #6183A6 | slategray3 | #9FB6CD | |||
sgilight blue | #7D9EC0 | dodgerblue4 | #104E8B | dodgerblue3 | #1874CD | |||
dodgerblue2 | #1C86EE | la maison bleue | #60AFFE | slateblue | #007FFF | |||
dodgerblue (SVG) | #1E90FF | slategray4 | #6C7B8B | heather blue | #B7C3D0 | |||
seurat blue | #739AC5 | blueberry | #75A1D0 | slategray2 | #B9D3EE | |||
blue bucket | #499DF5 | slategray1 | #C6E2FF | greek roof | #3B6AA0 | |||
cat eye | #7AA9DD | picasso blue | #0276FD | sign blue | #003F87 | |||
light steelblue4 | #6E7B8B | lake superior | #506987 | light steelblue3 | #A2B5CD | |||
denim | #4372AA | blue spider | #26466D | peafowl | #1D7CF2 | |||
blue tuna | #687C97 | blue corn | #344152 | blue stone | #50729F | |||
blue bird | #4973AB | lightsteelblue (SVG) | #B0C4DE | mailbox | #3063A5 | |||
light steelblue2 | #BCD2EE | forget me nots | #7EB6FF | light steelblue1 | #CAE1FF | |||
lake ontario | #4D71A3 | blue angels | #2B4F81 | blue ridge mtns | #4981CE | |||
blue cow | #88ACE0 | chemical suit | #5993E5 | big blue bus | #3A66A7 | |||
parrot | #3579DC | blue pill | #5190ED | blue jeans | #42526C | |||
pollock blue | #4D6FAC | YInMn blue | #2E5090 | st louis blues | #2C5197 | |||
cornflowerblue (SVG) | #6495ED | neptune | #6D9BF1 | natural gas | #5B90F6 | |||
ulysses butterfly | #1464F4 | blue train | #3A5894 | darkturquoise | #7093DB | |||
alaska sky | #1B3F8B | blueberry fresh | #5971AD | ty nant | #0147FA | |||
cobalt | #3D59AB | royalblue4 | #27408B | royalblue3 | #3A5FCD | |||
royalblue (SVG) | #4169E1 | royalblue2 | #436EEE | cichlid | #003EFF | |||
royalblue1 | #4876FF | aluminum | #A9ACB6 | delft | #22316C | |||
blue velvet | #162252 | blue grapes | #3B4990 | pabst blue | #283A90 | |||
dolphin | #6F7285 | nikko blue | #838EDE | silver | #E6E8FA | |||
blue nile | #7D7F94 | stained glass | #2E37FE | midnightblue | #2F2F4F | |||
cornflowerblue | #42426F | light steelblue | #8F8FBC | richblue | #5959AB | |||
sgislate blue | #7171C6 | quartz | #D9D9F3 | navyblue | #23238E | |||
medium blue | #3232CC | medium blue2 | #3232CD | midnightblue (SVG) | #191970 | |||
lavender (SVG) | #E6E6FA | midnightblue2 (Safe Hex3) | #000033 | navy (16 SVG) | #000080 | |||
darkblue (SVG) | #00008B | newmidnightblue | #00009C | mediumblue (SVG) | #0000CD | |||
blue2 (Hex3) | #0000EE | blue (Safe 16 SVG Hex3) | #0000FF | royalblue (Safe Hex3) | #3333FF | |||
neonblue | #4D4DFF | cobalt (Safe Hex3) | #6666FF | periwinkle (Hex3) | #AAAAFF | |||
offwhiteblue (Safe Hex3) | #CCCCFF | ghostwhite (SVG) | #F8F8FF | curacao | #5B59BA | |||
ultramarine | #120A8F | presidential blue | #302B54 | darkslateblue (SVG) | #483D8B | |||
slateblue4 | #473C8B | dress blue | #3B3178 | slateblue (SVG) | #6A5ACD | |||
slateblue3 | #6959CD | slateblue2 | #7A67EE | slateblue1 | #836FFF | |||
light slateblue | #8470FF | mediumslateblue (SVG) | #7B68EE | cornflower (Safe Hex3) | #3300FF | |||
medium purple4 | #5D478B | medium purple2 | #9F79EE | medium purple3 | #8968CD | |||
mediumpurple (SVG) | #9370DB | medium purple1 | #AB82FF | blue safe (Safe Hex3) | #6600FF | |||
blue deep | #380474 |