Hexadecimal Color Code Chips
This page shows color chips made with the six-digit hexadecimal representation of color of the form #RRGGBB, where RR, GG, and BB are the hexadecimal values for the red, green, and blue values of the color. Using a hexadecimal code is the most reliable of the several ways you can define colors in HTML or style sheets; you can use a quick reference table to help you choose from among the many color tables available.The colors in the chart below come from a variety of sources. Color swatches are defined by using the six-digit hexadecimal code for the color. The colors are sorted into groups of similar hue, saturation, and light value. The sorting algorithm places colors with hues closest together into each 8 x 8 grid and then tries to position the high saturation and light values at the upper right position of each 8 x 8 grid. This algorithm is not perfect because the set of colors it sorts are not at regular intervals, so the chips fall where they may. If you want to see a chart of colors set at lock-step intervals, you can look at a table of hex colors generated at regular intervals of hue, saturation, and light.
Put your cursor over the color swatch to see the color name and comments if applicable. The color names are descriptive and shouldn't be used to specify a color unless you are using the 16 named colors or SVG colors.