Color Spot Tables: tables of color swatches and color codes used in HTML and CSS

Universal Color Language, Level 3 Color Names

This page shows color swatches defined by hexadecimal code and named according to the Universal Color Language (UCL) described in COLOR Universal Language and Dictionary of Names (listed in Links). Specifically, this page shows colors named according to the UCL Level 3, where color descriptions consist of 267 color blocks named by a method devised by the Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC) and the the United States Department of Commerce's National Bureau of Standards (NBS) (now called the National Institute of Standards and Technology). This method is called the ISCC-NBS Method of Designating Colors.

The ISCC-NBS Method identifies 267 blocks of colors. Each block is given a color name devised using a set of adjectives and suffixes. Each color block defines a range of colors--not a single color--that have the same name. This range of color in each block is an acknowledged disadvantage, but it is pointed out (COLOR, p. 4) that a set of 267 color names is analogous to calendar dates for chronological events. This method is suitable for "a variety of scientific and industrial applications" (COLOR, p. A-13). The UCL at levels above 3 defines finer divisions of colors with no names, rising to approximately five million divisions in UCL Level 6. COLOR also lists color names from various sources for each UCL Level 3 color block (pp. 37-82) and a Dictionary of Color Names which lists thousands of color names and their corresponding UCL Level 3 block(s) (pp. 85-158).

The color blocks of the UCL Level 3 are defined using the Munsell System of color which describes the hue, value, and chroma of colors. I prepared this page using Munsell Renotation Data from the Munsell Color Science Laboratory, Rochester Institute of Technology. This data was converted to hexadecimal using formulas given by Easy RGB, and the colors were named according to COLOR, pp. 16-31. Up to 6 swatches per color name were chosen to represent the range of colors in each block. Where fewer than 6 colors are shown, fewer than 6 samples of color were available in that block range in the data.

The block number is given for each of the 267 UCL Level 3 color names. Color swatches are defined by using the hexadecimal code for the color. The swatch shows the Munsell notation for the color in the form Hue Value/Chroma above the hexadecimal code. I was not able to find samples of color for Munsell chroma values under 2, so these color blocks have "No samples available." Remember: each of these 267 color names do not each identify a single color, but a range of colors.

1 vivid pink
2.5R 7/12

10RP 7/12

2.5R 7/14

10RP 7/14

2.5R 7/16

10RP 7/16

2 strong pink
10RP 7/8

10RP 7/10

10RP 8/8

10RP 8/10

3 deep pink
5R 6/8

2.5R 6/10

10RP 6/10

10RP 6/12

10RP 6/14

4 light pink
2.5R 9/4

5R 9/4

10RP 9/4

2.5R 9/6

5R 9/6

10RP 9/6

5 moderate pink
2.5R 7/4

5R 7/4

10RP 7/4

2.5R 7/6

5R 7/6

10RP 7/6

6 dark pink
2.5R 6/6

5R 6/6

10RP 6/6

7 pale pink
2.5R 9/2

5R 9/2

10RP 9/2

8 grayish pink
2.5R 7/2

5R 7/2

10RP 7/2

9 pinkish whiteNo samples available.
10 pinkish grayNo samples available.
11 vivid red
7.5R 2/14

7.5R 3/14

7.5R 4/14

7.5R 4/20

5R 5/18

5R 6/18

12 strong red
2.5R 4/12

5R 4/12

2.5R 5/12

5R 5/12

13 deep red
2.5R 3/10

5R 3/10

7.5R 3/10

14 very deep red
2.5R 1/8

5R 1/8

7.5R 1/8

2.5R 1/10

5R 1/10

7.5R 1/10

15 moderate red
5R 4/8

5R 4/10

5R 5/8

5R 5/10

16 dark red
2.5R 3/4

5R 3/4

2.5R 3/6

5R 3/6

2.5R 3/8

5R 3/8

17 very dark red
2.5R 1/4

5R 1/4

2.5R 1/6

5R 1/6

18 light grayish red
2.5R 6/2

5R 6/2

7.5R 6/2

10R 6/2

2.5R 6/4

5R 6/4

19 grayish red
7.5R 4/2

7.5R 4/4

7.5R 4/6

7.5R 5/2

5R 5/4

5R 5/6

20 dark grayish red
2.5R 3/2

5R 3/2

21 blackish redNo samples available.
22 reddish grayNo samples available.
23 dark reddish grayNo samples available.
24 reddish blackNo samples available.
25 vivid yellowish pink
7.5R 7/12

5R 7/14

10R 7/14

10R 7/16

26 strong yellowish pink
7.5R 7/8

5R 7/10

10R 7/10

7.5R 8/8

5R 8/10

10R 8/10

27 deep yellowish pink
5R 6/12

5R 6/14

28 light yellowish pink
2.5YR 9/4

5YR 9/4

7.5R 9/4

10R 9/4

7.5R 9/6

10R 9/6

29 moderate yellowish pink
2.5YR 7/4

5YR 7/4

30 dark yellowish pink
7.5R 6/6

31 pale yellowish pink
2.5YR 9/2

7.5R 9/2

7.5YR 9/2

10R 9/2

32 grayish yellowish pink
2.5YR 7/2

7.5R 7/2

10R 7/2

33 brownish pink
7.5YR 7/2

34 vivid reddish orange
7.5R 5/14

10R 5/16

7.5R 5/20

7.5R 6/16

10R 6/18

35 strong reddish orange
7.5R 5/12

10R 5/12

7.5R 6/12

10R 6/12

36 deep reddish orange
7.5R 4/12

10R 4/12

37 moderate reddish orange
10R 5/8

10R 5/10

10R 6/8

10R 6/10

38 dark reddish orange
7.5R 4/8

10R 4/8

7.5R 4/10

10R 4/10

39 grayish reddish orange
2.5YR 5/6

10R 5/6

2.5YR 6/6

10R 6/6

40 strong reddish brown
10R 3/8

10R 3/10

10R 3/12

10R 3/14

41 deep reddish brown
10R 1/6

10R 1/10

10R 2/6

10R 2/10

10R 2/14

42 light reddish brown
2.5YR 5/4

10R 5/4

2.5YR 6/4

10R 6/4

43 moderate reddish brown
7.5R 3/4

7.5R 3/6

2.5YR 4/4

10R 4/6

44 dark reddish brown
7.5R 1/2

2.5YR 1/4

10R 1/4

7.5R 2/4

45 light grayish reddish brown
2.5YR 5/2

2.5YR 6/2

46 grayish reddish brown
2.5YR 3/2

7.5R 3/2

10R 3/2

2.5YR 4/2

10R 4/2

47 dark grayish reddish brown
2.5YR 2/2

7.5R 2/2

10R 2/2

48 vivid orange
2.5YR 6/16

2.5YR 6/18

2.5YR 7/16

2.5YR 7/18

2.5YR 7/20

49 brilliant orange
2.5YR 8/12

5YR 8/12

50 strong orange
2.5YR 6/12

5YR 6/12

2.5YR 7/12

5YR 7/12

51 deep orange
2.5YR 5/12

5YR 5/12

52 light orange
2.5YR 8/8

5YR 8/8

53 moderate orange
2.5YR 6/8

5YR 6/8

2.5YR 7/8

5YR 7/8

54 brownish orange
2.5YR 5/8

5YR 5/8

55 strong brown
7.5YR 3/6

7.5YR 3/8

5YR 4/6

5YR 4/8

5YR 4/10

5YR 4/12

56 deep brown
2.5YR 1/6

2.5YR 1/8

2.5YR 2/6

5YR 2/6

7.5YR 2/6

2.5YR 2/8

57 light brown
5YR 5/4

7.5YR 5/4

5YR 6/4

7.5YR 6/4

58 moderate brown
5YR 3/4

7.5YR 3/4

5YR 4/4

7.5YR 4/4

59 dark brown
5YR 1/2

7.5YR 1/2

5YR 1/4

5YR 2/4

7.5YR 2/4

60 light grayish brown
7.5YR 5/2

7.5YR 6/2

61 grayish brown
7.5YR 3/2

7.5YR 4/2

62 dark grayish brown
5YR 2/2

7.5YR 2/2

63 light brownish grayNo samples available.
64 brownish grayNo samples available.
65 brownish blackNo samples available.
66 vivid orange yellow
7.5YR 7/16

7.5YR 7/18

7.5YR 8/16

7.5YR 8/18

7.5YR 8/20

67 brilliant orange yellowNo samples available.
68 strong orange yellow
7.5YR 7/12

10YR 7/12

69 deep orange yellow
7.5YR 6/12

10YR 6/12

70 light orange yellow
7.5YR 9/8

10YR 9/8

71 moderate orange yellow
7.5YR 7/8

10YR 7/8

72 dark orange yellow
7.5YR 6/8

10YR 6/8

73 pale orange yellow
7.5YR 8/4

10YR 8/4

7.5YR 9/4

10YR 9/4

74 strong yellowish brown
10YR 4/8

10YR 5/6

10YR 5/8

10YR 5/10

10YR 5/12

75 deep yellowish brown
10YR 3/6

10YR 3/8

76 light yellowish brown
10YR 6/4

7.5YR 7/4

10YR 7/4

77 moderate yellowish brown
10YR 4/4

10YR 5/4

78 dark yellowish brown
10YR 1/2

10YR 2/4

10YR 3/4

79 light grayish yellowish brownNo samples available.
80 grayish yellowish brown
10YR 4/2

10YR 5/2

81 dark grayish yellowish brown
10YR 2/2

10YR 3/2

82 vivid yellow
5Y 6/14

5Y 7/14

5Y 8/12

5Y 8/16

2.5Y 9/12

5Y 9/18

83 brilliant yellow
2.5Y 9/10

5Y 9/10

84 strong yellow
2.5Y 7/10

5Y 7/10

85 deep yellow
2.5Y 6/10

5Y 6/10

86 light yellow
2.5Y 9/6

5Y 9/6

87 moderate yellow
2.5Y 7/6

5Y 7/6

88 dark yellow
2.5Y 6/6

5Y 6/6

89 pale yellow
2.5Y 9/4

5Y 9/4

90 grayish yellow
2.5Y 7/4

5Y 7/4

91 dark grayish yellow
2.5Y 6/4

5Y 6/4

92 yellowish whiteNo samples available.
93 yellowish grayNo samples available.
94 light olive brown
2.5Y 5/2

2.5Y 5/4

2.5Y 5/6

2.5Y 5/8

2.5Y 5/10

2.5Y 5/12

95 moderate olive brown
2.5Y 3/4

2.5Y 4/2

2.5Y 4/6

2.5Y 4/10

96 dark olive brown
2.5Y 1/2

2.5Y 2/2

2.5Y 2/4

97 vivid greenish yellow
7.5Y 7/12

10Y 7/16

7.5Y 8/16

10Y 9/12

7.5Y 9/18

98 brilliant greenish yellow
7.5Y 9/10

10Y 9/10

99 strong greenish yellow
7.5Y 7/10

10Y 7/10

100 deep greenish yellow
7.5Y 6/10

10Y 6/10

101 light greenish yellow
7.5Y 9/6

10Y 9/6

102 moderate greenish yellow
7.5Y 7/6

10Y 7/6

103 dark greenish yellow
7.5Y 6/6

10Y 6/6

104 pale greenish yellow
7.5Y 9/4

10Y 9/4

105 grayish greenish yellow
7.5Y 7/4

10Y 7/4

106 light olive
10Y 5/4

10Y 5/6

10Y 5/8

10Y 5/10

10Y 5/12

107 moderate olive
10Y 3/4

10Y 3/6

10Y 4/4

10Y 4/6

10Y 4/8

108 dark olive
5Y 1/2

7.5Y 1/2

10Y 1/2

5Y 2/4

7.5Y 2/4

10Y 2/4

109 light grayish olive
10Y 5/2

10Y 6/2

110 grayish olive
5Y 3/2

7.5Y 3/2

10Y 3/2

5Y 4/2

7.5Y 4/2

10Y 4/2

111 dark grayish olive
5Y 2/2

7.5Y 2/2

10Y 2/2

112 light olive grayNo samples available.
113 olive grayNo samples available.
114 olive blackNo samples available.
115 vivid yellow green
7.5GY 6/12

2.5GY 7/14

5GY 8/12

2.5GY 8/18

2.5GY 9/14

7.5GY 9/18

116 brilliant yellow green
5GY 8/8

2.5GY 8/10

7.5GY 8/10

5GY 9/8

2.5GY 9/10

7.5GY 9/10

117 strong yellow green
7.5GY 5/8

7.5GY 5/10

7.5GY 6/8

7.5GY 6/10

7.5GY 7/8

7.5GY 7/10

118 deep yellow green
2.5GY 4/8

5GY 4/8

7.5GY 4/8

5GY 4/10

7.5GY 4/10

119 light yellow green
5GY 8/4

2.5GY 8/6

7.5GY 8/6

5GY 9/4

2.5GY 9/6

7.5GY 9/6

120 moderate yellow green
7.5GY 5/4

7.5GY 5/6

7.5GY 6/4

7.5GY 6/6

7.5GY 7/4

7.5GY 7/6


Continued on next page.

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