Character entity references for ISO 8859-1 characters
These are the ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) characters.Letters in the Latin-1 Set
Character | Entity | Description |
À | À | capital A with grave = capital A grave |
Á | Á | capital A with acute |
 |  | capital A with circumflex |
à | à | capital A with tilde |
Ä | Ä | capital A with diaeresis |
Å | Å | capital A with ring above = capital A ring |
Æ | Æ | capital AE = capital ligature AE |
Ç | Ç | capital C with cedilla |
È | È | capital E with grave |
É | É | capital E with acute |
Ê | Ê | capital E with circumflex |
Ë | Ë | capital E with diaeresis |
Ì | Ì | capital I with grave |
Í | Í | capital I with acute |
Î | Î | capital I with circumflex |
Ï | Ï | capital I with diaeresis |
Ð | Ð | capital ETH |
Ñ | Ñ | capital N with tilde |
Ò | Ò | capital O with grave |
Ó | Ó | capital O with acute |
Ô | Ô | capital O with circumflex |
Õ | Õ | capital O with tilde |
Ö | Ö | capital O with diaeresis |
× | × | multiplication sign |
Ø | Ø | capital O with stroke = capital O slash |
Ù | Ù | capital U with grave |
Ú | Ú | capital U with acute |
Û | Û | capital U with circumflex |
Ü | Ü | capital U with diaeresis |
Ý | Ý | capital Y with acute |
Þ | Þ | capital THORN |
ß | ß | small sharp s = ess-zed |
à | à | small a with grave = small a grave |
á | á | small a with acute |
â | â | small a with circumflex |
ã | ã | small a with tilde |
ä | ä | small a with diaeresis |
å | å | small a with ring above = small a ring |
æ | æ | small ae = small ligature ae |
ç | ç | small c with cedilla |
è | è | small e with grave |
é | é | small e with acute |
ê | ê | small e with circumflex |
ë | ë | small e with diaeresis |
ì | ì | small i with grave |
í | í | small i with acute |
î | î | small i with circumflex |
ï | ï | small i with diaeresis |
ð | ð | small eth |
ñ | ñ | small n with tilde |
ò | ò | small o with grave |
ó | ó | small o with acute |
ô | ô | small o with circumflex |
õ | õ | small o with tilde |
ö | ö | small o with diaeresis |
÷ | ÷ | division sign |
ø | ø | small o with stroke = small o slash |
ù | ù | small u with grave |
ú | ú | small u with acute |
û | û | small u with circumflex |
ü | ü | small u with diaeresis |
ý | ý | small y with acute |
þ | þ | small thorn |
ÿ | ÿ | small y with diaeresis |
Symbol Entities in the Latin-1 Set
Character | Entity | Description |
| no-break space = non-breaking space | |
¡ | ¡ | inverted exclamation mark |
¢ | ¢ | cent sign |
£ | £ | pound sign |
¤ | ¤ | currency sign |
¥ | ¥ | yen sign = yuan sign |
¦ | ¦ | broken bar = broken vertical bar |
§ | § | section sign |
¨ | ¨ | diaeresis = spacing diaeresis |
© | © | copyright sign |
ª | ª | feminine ordinal indicator |
« | « | left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet |
¬ | ¬ | not sign |
| ­ | soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen |
® | ® | registered sign = registered trade mark sign |
¯ | ¯ | macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar |
° | ° | degree sign |
± | ± | plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign |
² | ² | superscript two = superscript digit two = squared |
³ | ³ | superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed |
´ | ´ | acute accent = spacing acute |
µ | µ | micro sign |
¶ | ¶ | pilcrow sign = paragraph sign |
· | · | middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot |
¸ | ¸ | cedilla = spacing cedilla |
¹ | ¹ | superscript one = superscript digit one |
º | º | masculine ordinal indicator |
» | » | right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet |
¼ | ¼ | vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter |
½ | ½ | vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half |
¾ | ¾ | vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters |
¿ | ¿ | inverted question mark = turned question mark |
Portions © International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
Reference: Character entity references in HTML 4
See also: