Turning in Assignments
Please use these procedures to turn in the assignments to me for grading.
Check the requirements
First, take special care to look over the grading and due diligence policies for assignments before you turn in an assignment. Take special note of the firm on-time policy and the requirements for content, operation, syntax, and readability.
Your assignment is due by the time listed on the syllabus.Send by email with correct subject line
For security and administrative reasons, you must use the Unix account supplied to you by the University for your Web pages and to email your URL to your instructor--failure to do so will result in your assignment not being graded. UW-Milwaukee students can use panthermail.uwm.edu for emailing.
When you are all set, send the URL of your assignment in the body of an email message to your instructor at this email address
johndecember@gmail.comwith a subject line as follows.
For asg1, the subject line
should be:
For asg2, the subject line should
For asg3, the subject line should
For the portfolio, the subject
line should be:
Please use the exact subject line as shown above. This is because I filter my electronic mail. My email reading software (Pegasus Mail) sorts incoming messages with these subject lines into a "Class" folder. Email without correct subject line will go into a general folder called "Unsorted" where I may not see it. Further, I check for "@uwm.edu" in the sender's email address; If "uwm.edu" is not in the sender's address, I will ignore the email.
Watch for a receipt
You will get a receipt by email after you send your assignment to me.In general, I check my mail very frequently, every couple of hours during a typical day. When assignments are due and close to the deadline, I check my email more frequently.
Be sure to check your email for a receipt before the deadline to verify that your assignment got through. You must get this receipt before you consider the assignment done-- "It's not complete until you get your receipt!"
Send another email if you have sent your assignment and you do not get a receipt within a reasonable period of time before the deadline. I will grade the assignment I receive from you with the earliest time stamp.