Civic - Education - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Boston's educational opportunities
- Higher: The Boston area's colleges and universities; Boston has many institutions of higher learning; in the list below, the institution is in Boston (city) unless a nearby suburb or city name is given at the end of the entry
- Art Inst: The Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University; independent; undergraduate and graduate; art
- Babson: Babson College; independent; undergraduate and graduate; Babson Park (near Wellesley, Massachusetts)
- BAC: Boston Architectural Center; independent; undergraduate and graduate; architecture; interior design
- Bay: Bay State College; independent; undergraduate 2 year
- Bentley: Bentley University; independent; undergraduate, graduate; Waltham
- Berklee: Berklee College of Music; independent; undergraduate; music
- BFIT: Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology; independent; undergraduate
- BC: Boston College; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral
- Boston Cons: The Boston Conservatory; independent; undergraduate and graduate; music
- BHCC: Bunker Hill Community College; state; undergraduate 2-year
- Brandeis: Brandeis University; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral; Waltham
- BU: Boston University; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral
- Bridgewater: Bridgewater State College; state; undergraduate, graduate; Bridgewater
- Cambridge: Cambridge College; independent; undergraduate and graduate
- Clark: Clark University; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral; Worcester
- Dean: Dean College; independent; undergraduate; Franklin
- Emerson: Emerson College; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral
- Emmanuel: Emmanuel College; Independent Roman Catholic; independent; undergraduate and graduate
- Fenway: Colleges of the Fenway Consortium; collaboration of six colleges: Emmanuel College, Massachusetts College of Art, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Simmons College, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and Wheelock College
- Fisher: Fisher College; independent; undergraduate
- Harvard: Harvard University; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral; Cambridge
- Holy Cross: College of the Holy Cross; independent Roman Catholic (Jesuit); undergraduate; Worcester
- Lasell: Lasell College; independent; undergraduate and graduate; Newton
- Lesley: Lesley University; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral; Cambridge
- Mass Art: Massachusetts College of Art; state; undergraduate and graduate; art
- Merrimack: Merrimack College; independent Roman Catholic; undergraduate and graduate; North Andover
- MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral; Cambridge
- Mt Ida: Mount Ida College; independent; undergraduate; Newton Center
- NE Cons: New England Conservatory of Music; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral
- NE Law: New England School of Law; Juris Doctor degree
- Newbury: Newbury College; independent; undergraduate; Brookline
- Northeastern: Northeastern University; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral
- PMC: Pine Manor College; independent; undergraduate; Chestnut Hill
- Roxbury: Roxbury Community College; state; undergraduate 2-year; Roxbury Crossing
- Salem: Salem State College; state; undergraduate, graduate; Salem
- Simmons: Simmons College; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral
- SMFA: School of the Museum of Fine Arts; independent; undergraduate and graduate; art
- Suffolk: Suffolk University; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral
- Tufts: Tufts University; independent; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral; Medford
- UMB: University of Massachusetts--Boston; state; undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral
- Wellesley: Wellesley College; independent; undergraduate; Wellesley
- Wheelock: Wheelock College; independent; undergraduate and graduate
- WIT: Wentworth Institute of Technology; independent; undergraduate
- Schools: Boston's primary, secondary, career, and trade schools
- K12: Boston Public Schools
- Road Scholar: Educational program for people 55 and over; Boston is the headquarters city of this world-wide program
- CCEA: Cambridge Center for Adult Education; education for adults; in Harvard Square
- NESOP: New England School of Photography
- JFYNetWorks: JFYNetWorks Innovative Learning Solutions; workforce and career development training center for youth and adults
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