Civic - Government - Denver, Colorado, USA
Denver's government and representatives at all levels
- Local: City and county government; Denver (city) is conterminous with Denver County; Denver is the capital of Colorado
- City and County: Denver City and County government portal
- DRCOG: Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG); works on issues: mobility, service to older adults, environmental concerns, planning for the future, public safety, and the provision of information for sound decision-making
- CML: Colorado Municipal League; represents and serves Colorado's cities and towns
- State: State of Colorado access
- Colorado: Colorado government portal; the capital of Colorado is Denver
- Governor: Colorado Governor
- Assembly: Colorado General Assembly; Legislative branch of Colorado government; made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives
- Courts: Colorado State Judicial Branch
- Federal: The United State's government has a presence in Denver through elected representatives and some facilities
- US Senate: United States Senators
- US House: United States Representatives
- US Bank Ct: United States Bankruptcy Court District of Colorado
- FBI: Denver Division Federal Bureau of Investigation; eleven Resident Agency Offices located throughout Colorado and Wyoming
- FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency Region VIII; serves federal emergency management needs
- US Mint: United States Mint Denver; produces coins and medals, protects gold and silver
- US BLM: Bureau of Land Management; Colorado State Office, Lakewood
- US CIS: Denver District Office of US Citizenship and Immigration Services; immigration-related matters for the states of Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah
- US SSA: Denver Region Social Security Administration
- -USA Federal-: USA Federal Government links; links to major top-level Web sites related to the United States government; you can use these to locate federal services available in the area not listed here
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