Civic - Government - Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Madison's government and representatives at all levels
- Local: City and county government
- Vote: official voter information and support from the State of Wisconsin Elections Commission; check your voter information, find polling place, find out what is on the ballot, update your voter registration, register to vote, and request absentee ballot
- Madison: Madison, Wisconsin elected city government; provides information for aspects of city government as well as visitor information
- Police: City of Madison Police Deparment
- Fire: City of Madison Fire Deparment
- Dane Co: Dane County
- Elections: League of Women Voters--Dane County; encourages participation in government; provides voting information, position papers, candidate information
- State: Madison is the capital of Wisconsin and home to the state's legislature and executive offices as well as many state offices
- Wisconsin: State of Wisconsin government portal; a directory of Wisconsin government as well as information on public service, business, education, health, safety, and visitor information
- Legislature: Wisconsin State Legislature; provides citizen's guide, information about all aspects of legislative session
- Governor: Wisconsin Office of the Governor; provides information about Wisconsin's Governor and First Lady, news and speeches, and the Executive Residence
- Find Legislators: Use this service to look up representatives in Wisconsin government based on a street address
- Federal: The United State's government has a presence in Madison through elected representatives and some facilities
- US Sen Johnson: United States Senator Ron Johnson
- US Sen Baldwin: United States Senator
- US House Pocan: Mark Pocan, 2nd District Wisconsin
- US Ct: United States Court, Western District of Wisconsin; includes Bankruptcy Court, District Court, Probation and Pretrial Services
- Army ERC: United States Army Engine Research Center University of Wisconsin--Madison; devoted to fundamental research on spark ignition and diesel engines
- -USA Federal-: USA Federal Government links; links to major top-level Web sites related to the United States government; you can use these to locate federal services available in the area
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