Civic - Education - Higher - Miami, Florida, USA
The Miami area's colleges and universities; these are located in Miami unless otherwise noted
- Albizu: Carlos Albizu University, Miami Campus; Independent; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, PhD's
- Barry: Barry University; Independent Roman Catholic; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, PhD's
- CBT: College of Business and Technology; Proprietary; offers undergraduate degrees
- FAU: Florida Atlantic University; State-supported; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, PhD's
- FIU: Florida International University; State-supported; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, PhD's
- FMU: Florida Memorial University; independent; offers undergraduate degrees; Miami Gardens
- MDC: Miami Dade College; State and locally-supported; offers undergraduate degrees
- MIUAD: Miami International University of Art & Design; Proprietary; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees
- STU: St. Thomas University; Independent Roman Catholic; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees
- UofM: University of Miami; State-supported; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, PhD's; Coral Gables
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