Civic - Government - Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Minneapolis-St. Paul's government and representatives at all levels
- Local: City and county government
- State: State of Minnesota access
- Minnesota: Minnesota government portal; the capital of Minnesota is St. Paul
- Governor: Governor
- Legislature: Legislative branch of Minnesota government
- Federal: The United State's government has a presence in Minneapolis-St. Paul through elected representatives and some facilities
- US Senate: United States Senators
- US House: United States Representatives
- US Dist Ct: United States District Court District of Minnesota
- US Bank Ct: United States Bankruptcy Court District of Minnesota
- FBI: Minneapolis Division Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FEB: Federal Executive Board of Minnesota; works to improve coordination among Federal activities and programs outside Washington
- Fed: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- -USA Federal-: USA Federal Government links; links to major top-level Web sites related to the United States government; you can use these to locate federal services available in the area not listed here
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