Living - Places - Museums - Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Displays of objects; includes planned educational activities related to art, history, culture, or science
- Amer Swedish: American Swedish Institute; historic house museum about Swedish culture; founded in 1929 by Swan J. Turnblad; Swedish glass, decorative and fine arts, textiles, and items from Sweden
- Air NG: Minnesota Air Guard Museum; the history and on going missions of Minnesota Air National Guard units; aircraft on display include F-102A Delta Dart "Deuce,"F-4C Phantom II, P-51 Mustang, Mig 15, UH-1 Huey Helicopter, and Boeing C-97 Stratofreighter
- Art MIA: Minneapolis Institute of the Arts
- Art MMAA: Minnesota Museum of American Art; exhibitions and research; education programs; formerly Saint Paul Art Center
- Art Walker: Walker Art Center; modern art collection; Minneapolis Sculpture Garden
- Art Weisman: The Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota; early 20th century American artists; building designed by Frank Gehry
- Bakken: Library and Museum; applications of electricity and magnetism in the life sciences; in Tudor mansion; rare books and scientific instruments; namesake Earl E. Bakken was inventor of the first transistorized cardiac pacemaker
- Bell: Museum of Natural History; biota of Minnesota; University of Minnesota
- Children's: Minnesota Children's Museum; St. Paul
- Hennepin Hist: Hennepin History Museum; Hennepin County historical society; historic mansion setting
- History Ctr: Minnesota History Center; museum exhibits; library
- Mill City: museum chronicling the flour milling industry; built in Washburn A Mill; Minnesota Historical Society
- Railroad: Twin City Model Railroad Museum; scale model panorama of railroading in the United States during the 1930s, '40s and '50s
- Science: Science Museum of Minnesota; Human Body Gallery, Omnitheater, Mississippi River Visitor Center; St. Paul
- Transportation: Minnesota Transportation Museum; operates various sites including Osceola & St. Croix Valley Railway interstate tourist railroad and Jackson Street Roundhouse
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