NYC - Facts - Maps - New York, New York, USA
Online mapping services; these allow you to zoom in and out and select specific features to view on the map
- Open: OpenStreetMap ; zoom down to detailed street features
- 596 acres: (241 hectares) map all of the publicly owned vacant land in New York City; shows master plans
- Hot: City Map of New York; pannable, street map of NYC showing the locations buildings and museums; you can search by street
- CHPC: Citizens Housing & Planning Council (CHPC); an analysis of New York City population and housing; changes that have occurred between the federal decennial census years of 2000 and 2010
- Map Quest: MapQuest's NYC map; integration with city Internet guide
- -USA Maps-: More online mapping services; you can use this list of sites to get more maps of the area or specialized maps such as historical, topographic, or satellite imagery
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