Living - Events - Performing - Capital District, New York, USA
Capital District is home to many performing arts and cultural groups
- Ballet ABB: Albany Berkshire Ballet
- Chamber Music: Friends of Chamber Music; chamber music is music in which only one instrument plays each line; includes string quartets and combinations of strings, winds, and voice
- Old Songs: Traditional music; music and dance; festivals, concerts, dances, and educational programs
- Pro Musica: Albany Pro Musica; choral group
- Symphony ASO: Albany Symphony Orchestra
- Symphony SSO: Schenectady Symphony Orchestra
- Theater ACT: Albany Civic Theater; community theater
- Theater SLOC: Schenectady Light Opera Company; community theater; presents musical theater
- Theater CapRep: Capital Repertory Theatre; professional theatre company
- Theater HMT: Home Made Theater; community theater; in residence at the Spa Little Theater in the Saratoga Spa State Park
- Theater NYSTI: New York State Theatre Institute
- Youth Orchestra ESYO: Empire State Youth Orchestra; educational and performance opportunities to young musicians from elementary through secondary school who are at various levels of musical training; two full Orchestras, Wind, String and Jazz Ensembles, three Percussion Ensembles, a Flute Choir, and an Inner-City String Training Program
- Writer's Institute: Literary Institute; provides public programs of author readings, visiting writers, film, workshops, writers institutes, conferences; founded by Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist William Kennedy
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