Living - Places - Museums - Seattle, Washington, USA
Displays of objects; includes educational activities related to displays of objects related to art, history, culture, nature, or science; museums function to acquire, preserve, exhibit, and interpret objects
- Art SAM: Seattle Art Museum; downtown art museum; noted Asian, African, Northwest Coast Native American, modern art, and European painting and decorative arts
- Art Bellevue: Bellevue Arts Museum; craft and design; emphasis on regional craft artists; plenty of free parking
- Art CoCA: Center on Contemporary Art; new and experimental artwork; on Capitol Hill between Pike and Union
- Art Frye: Frye Art Museum; representational art; emphasis on painting and sculpture from the nineteenth century to the present; on First Hill above downtown Seattle
- Art Henry: Henry Art Gallery; art museum of the University of Washington; modern and contemporary art
- Art Kirkland: Kirkland Arts Center; serves Eastside arts community; classes, workshops, gallery exhibits and special events in a historic building
- Art MoNA: Museum of Northwest Art; art of the Pacific Northwest; Benaroya Glass Gallery
- Asian: Wing Luke Asian Museum; Asian Pacific American culture, art, and history
- Childrens: Children's Museum Seattle; offers interactive exhibits; in Center House in Seattle Center
- EMP: Experience Music Project; interactive music museum; exhibits as well as live music performances; explores American popular music
- Flight: Museum of Flight; air and space museum at Boeing Field; displays of aircraft, aircraft assemblies, and artifacts; Champlin Fighter Collection of historic (many WWI and WWII) aircraft; Mercury space capsule; former Air Force One (Eisenhower); SR-71 Blackbird cockpit; F/A-18 cockpit; 737 fuselage; 747 prototype; the Red Barn, the headquarters of the original Boeing Airplane Company
- MOHAI: Seattle Museum of History & Industry; history of Seattle and King County
- Hydroplane & Raceboats: Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum; powerboat racing; vintage hydroplane boats spanning seven decades, including boats that have won Gold Cups
- Log House: Log House Museum; the history of the Duwamish Peninsula and the birthplace of Seattle
- Maritime CWB: Center for Wooden Boats; maritime museum; boat restoration; boat rentals; sailing classes; on the south end of Lake Union
- Maritime NWSeaport: Northwest Seaport Maritime Heritage Center; maritime heritage of Puget Sound and the Northwest Coast; south end of Lake Union
- Maritime Event Ctr: Maritime Event Center; an interactive nautical museum with exhibits that provide a distinctive setting for events on Seattle's waterfront
- Maritime Puget: Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society; the maritime heritage of the Pacific Northwest
- Natural Burke: Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture; the State museum of natural and cultural history; totem poles, hand-carved cedar canoes; extensive online exhibits; University of Washington campus
- Nordic: Nordic Heritage Museum; Nordic immigration to America and settlement in the Pacific Northwest; Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden; language classes and cultural center; in the Ballard neighborhood
- Police: Seattle Metropolitan Police Museum; history of northwest law enforcement; in Seattle's Pioneer Square
- Railway: Northwest Railway Museum; steam and diesel locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars, maintenance of way equipment; 8 kilometer segment of historic railroad; a 19th-century train station; in Snoqualmie, Washington
- SciFi: Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame; Experience Music Project; celebrates imaginative, speculative fiction and art; noted artifacts include Asimov first editions, pulp magazines, Captain Kirk's chair; co-located with Experience Music Project near the Space Needle
- Soundbridge: Soundbridge Seattle Symphony Music Discovery Center; musical storytelling, instrument exploration, classes, student recitals, lectures, workshops and exhibits; located in Benaroya Hall on Second Avenue at Union Street
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