Commerce - Business - Top of the Web
Locate information about producers of goods or services and their customers; includes resources about business and for businesses people; see also:
marketing resources and
money resources
- Hoover's: comprehensive directory to company and industry information; in-depth coverage of companies; basic search information available for free: for example, find company overviews showing company subsidiaries or units, company address, phone, and Web site URL as well as key numbers such as yearly sales, number of employees, and key people; subscribers can get more detail
- CNNMoney: Web presence of Fortune, Money, Business 2.0, and Fortune Small Business paper magazine about business; news, markets, technology, jobs, personal finance, real estate; rankings such as lists like the Fortune 500 and the best cities for business
- Inc: for entrepreneurs and small business owners; outgrowth of the paper Inc. magazine; resource centers, Inc. 500 list, columns, technology, startups, events, Inc. TV videos
- AllBusiness: business questions and practical solutions; how-to articles, contracts and agreements, expert advice, blogs, business news, business directory listings, product comparisons, business guides, a small business association; geared to small, growing businesses
- US Government-related business information; businesses involved in US federal government services, information, and transactions; covers doing business with the government, international trade, labor, laws, the latest news, and finance; if you are doing business with the U.S. government or own a business in the United States, this site is a must-see; strength: authoritative, deep, and comprehensive coverage; formerly
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