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A publication of December Communications, Inc.
Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine
ISSN 1076-027X / Volume 4, Number 4 / April 1, 1997
- Editor's Page
- We continue this month's theme of Spirituality
Online that we began in
month's issue.
Special guest editor Michael Bauwens
describes the theme of this issue:
technology can actually be
interpreted as a metaphysical project that can have far-reaching
positive or negative consequences.
Ontos and Techne
- Mark Pesce, co-inventor of Virtual Reality Modeling Language,
shows that cyberspace is a medium based on powerful
archetypal mythologies. Both the myth of mastery over matter
and the unification with spirit are converging on the Internet.
A View from the Buddhist Middle Way
- Ian Clark describes how the Internet and virtual reality
may give a practitioner an audience with teachers
who would be otherwise unreachable.
However, he doubts if ceremonies of raising or
transferring consciousness will
ever be possible on the Net.
Technology as a Psychic Phenomenon
- Michael Grosso, a professor of philosophy, speculates on how
the psychic and the technological represent two forms of the
human attempt to abolish the constraints of time
and space. The psychic and the technical, however,
fail to reach the level of spirit.
The Cyborganic Path
- Jon Lebkowsky
maintains that there is little proof so far that the Internet
is an integrating force, and yet it is not another Tower of Babel.
Book Review: Defining Style and Culture in the Digital Age
- Kevin Hunt
reviews HardWired's
Wired Style.
While finding it useful for deciphering some of the arcana of the
information age, he warns against treating
it as the definitive guide for communicating in the digital age.
The Last Link: Deus ex Machina vs. Electric Gaia
- Michel Bauwens caps this issue
with an essay that explores
the Deus Ex Machina and Electric Gaia
trends in talking about spirituality online.
Letters to the editor always welcome: