Link to another document:
<A Href="">W3C</A>
<P>Title attribute set:
<A Href="" Title="The World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</A>
<P>An image in the "hotspot":
<A Href=""><IMG Src = "" Alt="The HTML Station" Align="center"></A>
<P>Naming an anchor:
<A Href="" Name="reference-to-w3c">W3C</A>
<P>Link to named anchor in this document:
Learn about it <A Href="#reference-to-w3c">at the W3C</A>
<P>Link to a named anchor in another document:
You can learn about <A Href = ""> my last name on my FAQ</A>.
| Link to another document:
Title attribute set:
An image in the "hotspot":
Naming an anchor:
Link to named anchor in this document:
Learn about it at the W3C
Link to a named anchor in another document:
You can learn about my last name on my FAQ.