Name | Type | Default | Comment |
accept | CDATA | #IMPLIED | comma-separated list of media types; list of
MIME types for file upload |
accept-charset |
CDATA | #IMPLIED | a space-separated list of character encodings; list of supported charsets |
action | CDATA
a> | #REQUIRED | Uniform Resource Identifier as p
er RFC2396; a Uniform Resource
Locator (URL) is a URI; server-side form handler |
class | CDATA | #IMPLIED
| space-separated list of classes |
dir | ( ltr | rtl ) | #IMPLIED | direction f
or weak/neutral text |
enctype | CDATA | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
| media type |
id | ID | #IMPLIED | document-wide unique id |
lang | NAME | #
IMPLIED | language code as RFC1766; language code |
method |
( GET | POST ) | GET | HTTP method used to submit
the form |
name | CDATA | #IMPLIED | name of form for scripti
ng |
onclick | C
DATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; a pointe
r button was clicked |
ondblclick | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script
expression; a pointer button was double clicked |
td class="guide"> CDATA | #IMPL
IED | script expression; a key was pressed down |
onkeypress | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; a key was pressed and released |
onkeyup | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; a key was released |
onmousedown | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; a pointer button was pressed down |
onmousemove | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; a pointer was moved within |
onmouseout | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; a pointer was moved away |
onmouseover | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; a pointer was moved onto |
onmouseup | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; a pointer button was released |
onreset | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; the form was reset |
onsubmit | CDATA | #IMPLIED | script expression; the form was submitted |
style | CDATA | #IMPLIED | style sheet data; associated style info |
title | CDATA | #IMPLIED | text; advisory title