Safe, Soft Hexadecimal Color Codes
These are six-digit hexadecimal color codes defining colors that might be useful in areas of a web page where you want subtle coloring. You can use them in the backgrounds of table cells to give emphasis to text. These are all safe color codes.
Hex Code | Swatch | Text and links on color |
#99FFCC | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#CCCC99 | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#CCCCCC | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#CCCCFF | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#CCFF99 | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#CCFFCC | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#CCFFFF | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#FFCC99 | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#FFCCCC | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#FFCCFF | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#FFFF99 | Text, used link, and unused link | |
#FFFFCC | Text, used link, and unused link |