MKE - Facts - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Look up information about Milwaukee such as maps, facts, and census information
- Maps: Online mapping services; these allow you to zoom in and out and select specific features to view on the map
- Open: OpenStreetMap of Milwaukee; zoom down to detailed street features
- Milwaukee Compass: Community Mapping, Planning and Analysis For Safety Strategies; track safety and other trends anywhere in Milwaukee
- Green Map: Milwaukee Green Map; shows environmentally significant sites throughout Milwaukee County
- MapQuest: MapQuest's Milwaukee map; integration with city Internet guide
- Yahoo: Yahoo's Milwaukee map; integrated with Yahoo's Get Local city Internet guides
- -USA Maps-: More online mapping services; you can use this list of sites to get more maps of the area or specialized maps such as historical, topographic, or satellite imagery
- Info: Look up basic facts about Milwaukee from online reference works
- Almanac: Information Please Almanac; entry for Milwaukee; gives a page of basic facts about the city, including a general description and current facts along with Information Please Encyclopedia article
- Encyclopedia: Encyclopedia of Milwaukee
- Data USA MKE: Milwaukee profile in Data USA; provides a detailed profile of demographics, diversity, business, economy, civics, education, housing, and health of the community
- Books: MKE Books; a page presenting books about Milwaukee as well as Milwaukee writers
- Companies MMAC: Major employers in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area; from the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
- Census: Information from the United States Bureau of the Census
- Metro MKE: Population statistics Milwaukee - Waukesha; shows tables and map
- Milwaukee: City of Milwaukee; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Milwaukee Co: Milwaukee County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Waukesha Co: Waukesha County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Ozaukee Co: Ozaukee County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Washington Co: Washington County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Racine Co: Racine County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
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