Living - Places - Museums - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Displays of objects; includes planned educational activities related to art, history, culture, or science
- Art Allis: Charles Allis Art Museum; a house museum containing a collection of paintings, prints, sculpture, ceramics, and more; see
photo album page
- Art Grohmann MSOE: Grohmann Museum; The Eckhart G. Grohmann Collection Man at Work at Milwaukee School of Engineering; see
photo album page
- Art Haggerty: Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University; campus art museum offering permanent collection including a salon-style installation of Old Master works
- Art Lynden: Lynden Sculpture Garden; more than 50 sculptures set on 16 hectares of park, ponds, and trees; formerly known as Bradley Sculpture Garden
- Art MAM: Milwaukee Art Museum; lakefront art museum providing a collection and special exhibits; building is notable for its Calatrava-designed addition opened in 2001; see
photo album page
- Art UWM: Mathis Gallery; Emile H. Mathis Gallery University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee; campus art gallery
- Art UWM Union: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Union Art Gallery; work in all mediums by local, regional, and national emerging and established artists
- Art Villa Terrrace: Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum; a house museum in the style of a 16th century Italian Renaissance villa; on the bluff overlooking Lake Michigan; has outdoor garden on hill going down to the lake; see
photo album page
- Art Walker's Pt: Walker's Point Center for the Arts; art exhibits; supports visual and performing arts and learning in a multicultural environment
- Art Warehouse: The Warehouse; exhibition space in 1924 building in Milwaukee's Design District; permanent collection includes late 19th and 20th century works; by appointment
- Beer/MCHS: Milwaukee Beer Museum and Beer Bar; presented by the Milwaukee County Historical Society
- Black Historical Society: Wisconsin Black Historical Society; documents and preserves the heritage of African descent in Wisconsin; museum exhibits
- Black Holocaust: America's Black Holocaust Museum; educates the general public of the injustices suffered by people of African Heritage in America; provides visitors with an opportunity to rethink their assumptions about race and racism
- Bobblehead: Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum; opened 2019 in Walker's Point
- Brewing: Proposed Museum of Beer & Brewing;no museum yet, but an effort to preserve and showcase the history of beer and the brewing industry
- Childrens: Betty Brinn's Children's Museum; on the lakefront at the east end of Wisconsin Avenue
- Chudnow History: Milwaukee Memoriabilia from early 20th century; Avrum Chudnow's (1913-2005) collection of 1920's and 30's Milwaukee artifacts
- Discovery World: educational, cultural, and environmental experiences; Hands-on exhibits, fresh water and salt water aquariums, interactive educational programs, media and distance learning labs, digital theaters, live performance theater; on the lakefront; see
photo album page
- Fire: Milwaukee Fire Department Museum and Historical Society; housed in the former quarters of Engine 23 and Truck 14; open specific days of the year--see Web page
- Gallery of Flight: Mitchell Gallery of Flight; a small aviation museum located inside Milwaukee's General Mitchell International Airport
- Harley: Harley-Davidson Museum; a museum showcasing Harley-Davidson motorcycles; restaurant, cafe, store; museum has serial #1 of first Harley built in 1903, Elvis Presley's 1956 Harley, King Kong (4 meter-long custom Harley); in downtown Milwaukee near Sixth and Canal; see
photo album page
- Historic Society: Milwaukee County Historical Society; preserves and makes available materials related to Milwaukee's history; historical museum in downtown Milwaukee in Marquette Park on the Milwaukee River; see
photo album page
- Hmong: Museum; Hmong arts and artifacts displayed at Hmong American Friendship Association Inc.; a collaborative effort between the Hmong American Friendship and members of the Hmong communities in Milwaukee to preserve Hmong cultures
- Jewish: Jewish Museum Milwaukee; Jewish heritage and culture, through artifacts, film, photographs and a timeline; Holocaust and on the founding of Israel, with special emphasis on Golda Meir, a Russian immigrant to Milwaukee who went on to become the fourth prime minister of Israel.
- Museum "Mile": consortium of museums in the East Side of Milwaukee; Charles Allis Art Museum, Jewish Museum Milwaukee, North Point Lighthouse, Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, and the Museum of Wisconsin Art on St John's on The Lake; NOTE: the walking distance from the southernmost museum, The Jewish Museum of Milwaukee, to the northernmost, North Point Lighthouse, is about 3 km (I'm not sure why they name this consortium after a distance representing about half that)
- North Pt Lighthouse: North Point Lighthouse; located in Lake Park; opened in 1855; see
photo album page
- Pabst Mansion: Flemish Renaissance Mansion of Captain Frederick Pabst; house museum; 1892 mansion of beer baron Pabst; tours of 37 rooms; located just west of downtown Milwaukee on Wisconsin Avenue; see
photo album page
- Public Museum: Milwaukee Public Museum; natural history museum located in downtown Milwaukee; human history, paleontology, zoology, botany, geology and anthropology; notable diorama displays and Streets of Old Milwaukee; exhibits include coverage of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Arctic, South and Middle America, the Pacific Island and a Costa Rican rainforest; Soref Planetarium; Humphrey IMAX Theater; Puelicher Butterfly Garden; see
photo album page
- Settlement: Old South Side Settlement Museum; by arranged tours only; located in a 105-year-old house; Urban Anthropology Inc.
- St Joan Chapel: over five centuries old; St. Joan of Arc Chapel on Marquette University campus; a chapel brought from France to the Marquette University campus; see
photo album page
- Transit: Milwaukee Transit Archives & Museum
- WI Athletic Walk of Fame: Wisconsin Athletic Walk of Fame; a display of plaques on the west side of North Fourth Street south of State Street honoring athletic achievement; inductees include Henry Aaron, Sidney Moncrief, Vince Lombardi, Al McGuire, Earl Gillespie, Bob Uecker, Jane and Lloyd Pettit; see
photo album page
- WI Black Historical: Wisconsin Black Historical Society Museum; documents and preserves the heritage of African descent in Wisconsin; museum exhibits
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