Civic - Media - Periodicals - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee's many publications offer Web sites with online content
- Journal Sentinel: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; daily newspaper
- Business Journal: Milwaukee Business Journal; weekday business-related newspaper
- Urban Milwaukee: Urban news, life and development; news stores and information source for everything Milwaukee--government, neighborhoods, people, transit, food, entertainment, and more
- Shepherd Express: weekly free newspaper; online as; covering entertainment, politics, opinion
- Milwaukee Independent: journalism inspiring social engagement
- OnMilwaukee: Website magazine and guide
- Biz Times: Small Business Times
- Milwaukee Times: Milwaukee Times Weekly
- Milwaukee Courier: Milwaukee Courier and Southeastern Star
- Milwaukee NNS: Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service; a project of United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee; reporting on local issues in five Milwaukee communities: Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, and the Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods of Burnham Park, Silver City and Layton Park
- Milwaukee Magazine: Monthly slick magazine; shows off Milwaukee culture and business; suburban and metro coverage
- Key Milwaukee: Visitor's guide to Milwaukee; paper copy distributed free at tourist information areas; online site has travel podcasts
- edible MILWAUKEE: quarterly magazine; print and online; covers the production, distribution, and consumption of food in Milwaukee
- Exchange: Exchange Magazine; online; offered by Outpost Natural Foods; previously a print publication
- Your Life: lifestyle newspaper; geared toward older demographic; distributed throughout the area
- MHL: Modern Health and Living; free, monthly about healthy living
- WI Gazette: Bi-weekly newspaper; based in Milwaukee; focuses on LGBT rights and issues
- Voices: Voces de la Frontera; labor monthly; Milwaukee and Racine
- BayView Compass: Bay View Compass; free monthly publication covering Bay View neighborhood, near mouth of the Kinnickinnic River
- Riverwest Currents: Covers neighborhood west of the Milwaukee River, Riverwest; also called Milwaukee's "Left Bank"; weekly free
- WI Law Journal: Wisconsin Law Journal; news and information for lawyers and judges
- Daily Reporter: Covers construction, law, and public records
- Jewish Chronicle: Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle
- Catholic Herald: Milwaukee Catholic Herald
- Spanish Journal: Spanish Journal
- Community Jrnl: Milwaukee Community Journal;
- GMToday: Greater Milwaukee Today
- UWM Post: University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee Post campus newspaper
- MATC Times: Milwaukee Area Technical College campus newspaper
- Milwaukee Record: entertainment, music, dining, opinion
- MU Wire: Marquette University campus news
- Marquette UP: Marquette University Press; publishes scholarly works in philosophy, theology, history, and other selected humanities
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