Version | //IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict//EN
Element | FORM |
Purpose | fill-out or data-entry form |
Description | This element is used to create a form to collect data from users. The data is collected through elements contained in the form. Once the user indicates that they are done with the form by clicking on a button, the data is sent to a Web server for processing by a common gateway interface (CGI) program. The results of this processing are then displayed to the user.
You can't put a form inside another form.
Forms are an important way to get information from the user. Creating forms for your site requires that you can prepare a common gateway interface (CGI) program to handle the form's processing and that you have permission from your system administrator to place this program in the a special directory, typically called cgi-bin, on your server, to hold CGI scripts.
Start tag | Required <FORM>
Attributes | Name | Type | Default | Comment |
ACTION | CDATA | #IMPLIED | address for completed form | ENCTYPE | CDATA | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | meaning an internet media type (aka mime content type, as per rfc1521); representation of form data | METHOD | ( GET | POST ) | GET | method of submitting form | SDAPREF | CDATA | #FIXED "<Para>Form:</Para>" | generated text prefix; in support of transformation to the International Committee for Accessible Document Design DTD for usable access to structured information by print-impaired individuals | SDASUFF | CDATA | #FIXED "<Para>Form End.</Para>" | generated text suffix; in support of transformation to the International Committee for Accessible Document Design DTD for usable access to structured information by print-impaired individuals
Content | ( H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 | P | UL | OL | DIR | MENU | DL | PRE | BLOCKQUOTE | FORM | ISINDEX | HR | ADDRESS | IMG
End tag | Required </FORM>
Example | Source | Appearance |
<FORM Method="POST"
Action= "">
<INPUT Type="hidden" Name="recipient" Value="">
<p>Your Name: <INPUT Type="text" size="15" Name="user-name">
<P>Customer Number: <INPUT Type="number" size="10" Name= "customer-number">
<P>Shirt Size?
<INPUT Type="radio" Name="shirt-size" Value="S">S
<INPUT Type="radio" Name="shirt-size" Value="M">M
<INPUT Type="radio" Name="shirt-size" Value="L">L
<INPUT Type="radio" Name="shirt-size" Value="XL">XL
<P>What would you like?
<P><SELECT Name="would-like" size="2" multiple>
<OPTION>Order the product</OPTION>
<OPTION>Ask a question</OPTION>
<OPTION>Request a catalog</OPTION>
<P>Your comments?<BR>
<TEXTAREA Name="comments" rows="4" cols="20"></TEXTAREA>
<P><INPUT Type="submit" Value="Send">
<INPUT Type="reset" Value="Cancel">