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Streetcar Virtual Right of Way Analysis and Service

by John December / Updates/More Info: johndecember.com/mke

Posted: 2024-07-10

Observations of streetcar operations show a slowing down of service due to wait times at traffic signals and automobiles parking or otherwise blocking the streetcar path. Methods to simplify routing to alleviate passenger confusion (e.g., combining The Hop's Lakefront and Main Lines) also add to longer ride times.

An analysis of operations and routing alternatives might help speed up service and increase rider satisfaction. The progress of a streetcar along its route might be speeded up through methods to better use transit signal priority (TSP) and better enforce parking laws. Creating a computer simulation to examine alternative routing options on existing (or proposed) streetcar tracks or extensions may reveal more effective service patterns for routes. Better and more consistent communication with passengers can alleviate confusion and provide flexible choices for riders to best meet their needs using the streetcar as part of their mobility.

An idea for the streetcar virtual Right of Way (ROW) and analysis:

  1. The current use of GPS to locate streetcar positions is prone to inaccuracy due to GPS latency and intervening buildings and structures.

  2. Because of GPS latency, Transit Signal Priority (TSP) methods (Pitstick, 2018) lead to a delay in clearing the intersection for the streetcar passage and then returning it to mixed-use after the streetcar has passed. The latency results in extended automobile wait times and lost chances for the streetcar to use TSP at more intersections.

  3. Using 5G signals, a streetcar can be precisely located on its fixed track in real time through low-latency (1 millisecond) signals. 5G can utilize beamforming to locate the streetcar even among densely packed buildings.

  4. If a traffic signal control system could be remotely triggered, algorithms could use streetcars' precise positions to sequence traffic signals in neighboring blocks accurately in advance for both automobiles and streetcars at intersections to create a "virtual right of way (ROW)" for the streetcar.

  5. These algorithms could more precisely clear intersections for the streetcar and then return the intersections to mixed traffic, with the aim of causing less delay for automobile traffic, the streetcar, and pedestrians at the intersections.

  6. Enhanced algorithms could be developed to allow the streetcars to progress faster along the route, possibly allowing less headway time for the streetcars. This virtual ROW for the streetcar could increase each streetcar vehicle's effectiveness and allow for shorter headway times even with the same numbers of streetcars out at a time, saving on costs for operators and streetcar vehicles. The algorithms could use unique settings for festival seasons and real-time adjustments in the algorithms due to detected traffic flow.

  7. Real-time information on automobiles illegally parked or encroaching on critical areas for streetcar travel, using video checks at key route areas, could feed the algorithms and signal a response team ahead of the streetcar reaching that point. Algorithms could prevent these blockages from forming before the streetcar reaches that key area by utilizing traffic control signals.

  8. Connected Vehicle (CV) tests using 5G have been done (Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 2023; Ross, 2023). The City of Portland had a "Connected Streetcar Project" (City of Portland and Streetcar Team, 2018). TSP and signal timing algorithms have shown positive results with streetcars (Cheng et al., 2017; Ji et al., 2018) and with Bus Rapid Transit (Islam, 2018). Demand-priced curb parking (Shoup, 2021) is essential for curb space management when cars are cruising for parking in busy conditions.

  9. A computer simulation of the route (perhaps to the level of a digital twin) could provide analysis to identify best streetcar routing based on observed boarding and alighting passenger data of the streetcar running in various configurations.

  10. More consistent route naming and operations could better serve infrequent as well as frequent riders through consistent and clear signage, real-time tracking, and onboard charts, video information, announcements.

  11. Public service ambassadors aboard the streetcars during peak times may help visitors. These ambassadors could also answer questions, identify disruptions, report disruptive passengers, and guide the observation of rules for using the streetcar, its shelters, and platforms appropriately.


Cheng, Yao & Xianfeng Yang. (2017). Signal Coordination Model for Local Arterial with Heavy Bus Flows. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. https://doi.org/10.1080/15472450.2017.1394191

City of Portland and Streetcar Team. (2018). "Connected Streetcar Project," https://ppms.trec.pdx.edu/media/project_files/ConnectedStreetcarSummary-for-CoP-7-12-18_updated.pdf

Islam, Tarikul & Vu, Hai & Hoang, Nam. (2018). A linear bus rapid transit with transit signal priority formulation. Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review. 114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2018.03.009

Ji, Yuxiong, Yu Tang, Wei Wang, and Yuchuan Du. (2018). Tram-Oriented Traffic Signal Timing Resynchronization, Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2018, Article ID 8796250, 13 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8796250

Pitstick, Mark E. (2018). "Regional Transit Signal Priority (TSP) Implementation Program," RTAChicago, Retrieved from https://www.cmap.illinois.gov/documents/10180/836987/RTA+TSP+for+ATTF+and+RTOC+Committee+22+March+2018+revised.pdf/9f9224e5-96d3-86fe-d53a-794bec9b79e3 Ross, Chuck. (2023). "Streetlighting the Way to 5G: Smart city infrastructure growth relies on these lights," Nov 15, 2023, Electrical Contractor, https://www.ecmag.com/magazine/articles/article-detail/streetlighting-the-way-to-5g-smart-city-infrastructure-growth-relies-on-these-lights

Shoup, Donald C. (2021). Pricing curb parking. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 154, 2021, Pages 399-412. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2021.04.012

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University--Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. (2023). "Private 5G Technology and Implementation Test," https://safed.vtti.vt.edu/projects/private-5g-technology-and-implementation-testing-i/

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