Keep Simplifying > Rule your stuff > Dejunk your home >TIP: A college student should travel light.
When you go away for college, take less stuff than you think you will need. The lifestyle of most college students involves small living spaces, frequent moves, an active lifestyle, and rapidly changing interests.
You will be concentrating on your studies at college, and you will want to be free and flexible, not stuck in a particular living arrangement. Considering taking a television set? You won't have time to watch it. A microwave? There will be one available in the dorm. A fridge? You'll be able to rent one. Major pieces of furniture? In college towns, furniture is given away each spring.
When you are moving into the dorm for the first time, the last thing you will probably want is a long parade of relatives hauling your junk inside. You are starting a new life; let go of your old.