MKE: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Explore Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; The largest city in Wisconsin has been known for more than a century for its beer, but Milwaukee also is much more--a city with a beautiful setting on Lake Michigan, many festivals, colleges, businesses, Harleys, theater, a rich arts scene, and genuine people. Milwaukee, founded over 175 years ago, sits at the confluence of three rivers and today provides a meeting place for conventions, festivals, and business. Milwaukee's emergence as a major national city at the start of the twentieth century marked its importance as a port and business center, but also as a destination for immigrants. Milwaukee in the 21st century is the cultural, industrial, business, education, media, and tourism capital of Wisconsin and its only racially diverse large city; Milwaukee has more young people, more college students, more businesses, more workers, etc., than any other city in Wisconsin.
This web helps you explore Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; here, you'll find organized and annotated links to Web sites about Milwaukee's current conditions, facts, activities, events, places, sports, civic life, media, education, commerce, and reference works about Milwaukee. You can view and link to this information in a variety of ways, and your suggestions are welcome. Use the links at the top of this page to navigate and access this information
- Edited by: You can contact the editor of this information with your ideas and corrections; there are more pages like this covering other areas of the country
- John December: Editor of this information since 1996; has lived in Milwaukee more than 14 years
- Suggestion?: Please send a correction of any information you find here or your suggestion to via email with the subject line places-mke
- Going elsewhere?: Access other pages like this; explore: New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Miami, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, Washington DC, Madison WI, New York State's Capital District, Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and a reference page for the whole United States
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use the index format.
- MKE index: Outline of Milwaukee sections; shows the section names with a link on the section name to a file showing the entries and annotations for that section; put your cursor over the section name to see a popup describing it; this format is useful to quickly select and load only the section that you'd like to see; this is a good format to show someone new to this information so as not to overwhelm them with too many links on a page
- MKE blue: Table; shows all Milwaukee entries with short labels in a table format; put your cursor over labels or section headings to see a popup description; links on section names take you to a file showing the entries and annotations for that section
- MKE mini: Compressed table; shows all entries and section names with short labels and no linebreaks; no inline graphic boxes (weather or other); put your cursor over labels or section names to see a popup description; links on section names take you to a file showing all the entries and annotations for that section; useful if you are familiar with the information and want all the links in a smaller amount of space
- MKE all: Everything in one big file; shows all entries and all annotations in one HTML file; useful if you want to see everything at once or search for a text string in this information; to search, use your Web browser's Find feature; in Microsoft Internet Explorer, do this by selecting from the titlebar menu "Edit," then "Find on this page"; or you can just hit Control/F keys; links on section names go to a file showing entries and annotations for that section
- Updates: Link cleaning and maintenance, Sculpture (Events Periodic)
See live conditions and views of Milwaukee
- Weather: Current weather observations and forecasts for Milwaukee
- Graphic; shows current weather conditions for Milwaukee
- Forecast: Weather Underground; a look ahead at Milwaukee's weather
- Radar: National Weather Service radar
- Satellite: Goestationary infrared image; satellite image for Eastern United States sector, infrared image; provided by National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Dept of Commerce
- Water Temp: Map of Great Lakes Surface Water temperature; color-coded map shows water temperature (or ice as applicable) in the Great Lakes; National Oceanic and Atomospheric Administration
- Buoys: Recent Marine Data; get readings from marine buoys about water and weather conditions through a clickable, graphical map of Western Great Lakes (Lake Michigan and Lake Superior)
- Snow: (Seasonal) snowfall maps; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Dept. of Commerce
- Climate: Wisconsin State Climatology Office--Milwaukee Station; shows Milwaukee normal and observed temperature, precipitation, snowfall, and more
- Graphic; shows current weather conditions for Milwaukee
- Cams: Live views of Milwaukee; helpful for finding out about current weather and road conditions in Milwaukee
- Harbor: looking north into the Milwaukee Harbor; Great Lakes Water Institute, University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee
- Lakefront Cam: local cams; Collection of controllable cameras near Milwaukee's shoreline; includes North Cam, South Cam, Beach Cam, and City Cam
- MKE: Cams; streaming from downtown
- ZooView TV: Milwaukee County Zoo; see the animals
- Freeway: Milwaukee-area freeway camera images; many cameras in the Milwaukee area show highway conditions; provided by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
- News: News and reports about what's going on in Milwaukee
- Milwaukee Health Department: Visit the Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage for more information or call 2-1-1.
- AP News: tagged Milwaukee
- Bing News: Bing news search for Milwaukee
- Yahoo News: Yahoo news search for Milwaukee; finds news and sports stories about Milwaukee from a variety of news sources; includes photos
- Media: Media - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; newspapers, magazines, radio, and television covering the area
- Traffic: Milwaukee real-time traffic map
- Marine Traffic: Port of Milwaukee; shows ships and boats at the port or nearby marinas
- Gas Prices: Area gas prices
Look up information about Milwaukee such as maps, facts, and census information
- Maps: Online mapping services; these allow you to zoom in and out and select specific features to view on the map
- Open: OpenStreetMap of Milwaukee; zoom down to detailed street features
- Milwaukee Compass: Community Mapping, Planning and Analysis For Safety Strategies; track safety and other trends anywhere in Milwaukee
- Green Map: Milwaukee Green Map; shows environmentally significant sites throughout Milwaukee County
- MapQuest: MapQuest's Milwaukee map; integration with city Internet guide
- Yahoo: Yahoo's Milwaukee map; integrated with Yahoo's Get Local city Internet guides
- -USA Maps-: More online mapping services; you can use this list of sites to get more maps of the area or specialized maps such as historical, topographic, or satellite imagery
- Info: Look up basic facts about Milwaukee from online reference works
- Almanac: Information Please Almanac; entry for Milwaukee; gives a page of basic facts about the city, including a general description and current facts along with Information Please Encyclopedia article
- Encyclopedia: Encyclopedia of Milwaukee
- Data USA MKE: Milwaukee profile in Data USA; provides a detailed profile of demographics, diversity, business, economy, civics, education, housing, and health of the community
- Books: MKE Books; a page presenting books about Milwaukee as well as Milwaukee writers
- Companies MMAC: Major employers in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area; from the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
- Census: Information from the United States Bureau of the Census
- Metro MKE: Population statistics Milwaukee - Waukesha; shows tables and map
- Milwaukee: City of Milwaukee; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Milwaukee Co: Milwaukee County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Waukesha Co: Waukesha County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Ozaukee Co: Ozaukee County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Washington Co: Washington County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
- Racine Co: Racine County, Wisconsin; US Census Bureau information for people, business, and geography
Find out about things to do and places to see in Milwaukee
Milwaukeans take part in many clubs and organizations; activities include interest groups, clubs, hobbies, community centers, organizations, and groups
- Groups: Interest, community, and business groups; activities include clubs, hobbies, community centers, and organizations
- AA: Alcoholics Anonymous Milwaukee
- AIDS: Resource Center of Wisconsin; provides HIV prevention, training and education, access to services for people affected by HIV disease, clinical research on HIV treatment and HIV advocacy through nine statewide offices
- Alice's Garden: sustainable farming; community cultural development, and economic agricultural enterprises
- Amateur Radio ES: Milwaukee/Waukesha Amateur Radio Emergency Service; consists of licensed amateur radio operators (hams) who have voluntarily registered qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service during disasters
- Agriculture, Urban: Food Systems; focuses on community food systems, sustainable agriculture, community gardening, and leadership
- Anthropology, Urban: Urban Anthropology Inc. (UrbAn); engaged exclusively in the practice of urban anthropology; cultural diversity and a holistic approach to urban problem-solving
- Art Bay View: Bay View Arts Guild; works to make art a part of life in the neighborhood of Bay View, a neighborhood south of downtown Milwaukee
- Art Latino: Latino Arts; provides and promotes Hispanic programming in the arts
- Art Riverwest: Riverwest Artist Association; aims to foster reflective, innovative, and proactive art to enrich and stimulate the community
- Art Walker's Pt: Walker's Point Center for the Arts; art exhibits; supports visual and performing arts and learning in a multicultural environment
- Art Youth: Milwaukee Youth Arts Center; a contemporary arts education and rehearsal facility for the young people; joint venture of First Stage Children's Theater and Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
- Arts @ Large: Arts education; Walker's Point
- Artist Resources MARN: Milwaukee Artist Resource Network; an advocacy group that pools knowledge and skills to help promote the arts in Wisconsin
- Astronomy: Milwaukee Astronomical Society; observatory in New Berlin; observations of eclipsing binaries, RR Lyraes, Asteroid Occultations, Lunar Grazes; hands-on astronomy and public outreach
- Autism Society: Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin; supports people with autism spectrum disorders, their families, professionals, and others
- Bees: Beevangelists
- Bike Collective: Milwaukee Bicycle Collective
- Billiards: Billiard Congress of Wisconsin; conducts tournaments on professional-size pool tables
- Blood: BloodCenter of Wisconsin; provides blood products, medical expertise, and scientific discovery
- Bonsai: Milwaukee Bonsai Society; dedicated to helping individuals in their efforts to increase their knowledge and skills in the art of bonsai
- Bowling: United States Bowling Congress; national governing body of bowling; located in Greendale, Wisconsin near Southridge Mall; serves more than three million bowlers across the country
- Boys & Girls Clubs: Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee; a youth-serving agency to empower all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens
- Broadcast: Society of Broadcast Engineers Chapter 28 Milwaukee; gives chapter information, newsletters, and articles about broadcasting such as the story of Milwaukee's first radio and television stations
- Burns, Robert: Robert Burns Club of Milwaukee; dedicated to Scotland's 18th century poet Robert Burns; includes club information as well as links to information about Robert Burns and his works
- Catholic: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee; information and news about the Roman Catholic Archdiocese which includes Dodge, Fond du Lac, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha counties
- Chinese: Milwaukee Chinese Community Center; Chinese language education, culture outreach, and social engagement
- Christian Ctr: Milwaukee Christian Center; based on the south side of Milwaukee, an agency offering community programs
- Civil Air Patrol: Milwaukee Composite Squadron Five, Civil Air Patrol
- COA: Children's Outing Association Youth and Family Centers; services and programs for Milwaukee families; established 1906
- Community Shares: Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee; supports and funds organizations actively working to solve serious social problems confronting the Milwaukee area
- Custard:; devoted to listing the daily flavors of custard (a dessert made of eggs, sugar, and milk) available for sale at restaurants or stands; custard is a great Milwaukee tradition; this Web site originated for Milwaukee-area stands, this list now provides information all over the United States; customizable
- Engineers: Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers; supports the ethical practice of Professional Engineering
- French: Alliance Francaise de Milwaukee; dedicated to promoting French language, literature, history and culture and to encouraging French-American cultural exchange and friendship; offers classes
- Fun: MKE Fun; a list of Milwaukee area attractions related to unique shopping, dining, nightlife, and things to do
- Groundwork: Groundwork Milwaukee; develops the physical environment with community-based partnerships to promote environmental, economic, and social well-being
- Growing Power: Food Systems; focuses on community food systems, sustainable agriculture, community gardening, and leadership
- Genealogical Society: Milwaukee County Genealogical Society; collects, exchanges and preserves genealogical materials; informs the general public about genealogy; and purchases books of genealogical value to be donated to public libraries in the Milwaukee area
- Genealogy WIGenWeb: Wisconsin Genweb Project; information about Milwaukee County, Wisconsin genealogy resources
- Greater Milw Foundation: Greater Milwaukee Foundation; helps people establish permanent charitable funds that serve people throughout Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington counties and beyond
- Green Bldgs: Wisconsin Green Building Alliance; facilitates and promotes the development and use of ecologically sustainable materials and practices within Wisconsin's built environment
- Goodwill: Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Metropolitan Chicago; provides work opportunities and skill development for people with barriers to employment
- Habitat: Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity; opporunities for home ownership
- Historic Milwaukee: Historic Milwaukee; dedicated to increasing the public's awareness of Milwaukee's historical and architectural heritage; provides walking tours and guided bus tours, and lectures
- Horse Stables: MKE Urban Stables; equine-assisted services and programs to youth and veterans; Milwaukee Police Department Mounted Patrol Unit
- Human Res Mgt: Human Resource Management Association of Southeastern Wisconsin; a professional organization for those involved in the human resource management profession; the local affiliate chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management
- Humane: Wisconsin Humane Society; provides quality, cost effective services for homeless animals; site includes information on animal adoption
- Hunger: Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee; provides donated food and food purchased in bulk to area emergency feeding organizations; offers various forms of administrative and technical assistance; promotes social policies that ensure food security
- International: International Institute of Wisconsin; dedicated to the promotion of international cooperation, understanding, and a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural perspective through education, exchange, communication, social activities, and immigration and naturalization services
- Irish Cultural Ctr: Irish Cultural and Heritage Center; information on Irish events in Milwaukee
- Irish Shamrock Club: Shamrock Club of Wisconsin; oldest and largest Irish American organization in the State of Wisconsin
- Islamic: Islamic Society of Milwaukee; works to serve the religious, educational and social needs of the community and to promote good citizenship; to advocate for social justice, to build relations with other communities and to assist those in need
- Jewish: Milwaukee Jewish Federation; builds a strong unified Jewish community in Milwaukee, in Israel and throughout the world; committed to the principles of Klal Yisrael (the collective unity of the Jewish people), tzedakah (the obligation to care for one another) and tikkun olam (improving the society in which we live)
- Keep Milw Beautiful: Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful; works for waste reduction and reuse, recycling, composting, and litter and graffiti prevention; environmental education and community involvement programs and events
- Labor: Milwaukee County Labor Council; supports organizing labor
- Law Bar: Milwaukee Bar Association; advocates for local and state practice standards, ethics codes and lawyer discipline and licensure
- LGBT: Milwaukee Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center; community-based organization to improve the quality of life for LGBT people in the Metro Milwaukee area
- MACC Fund: Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer; a charitable organization formed in 1976 to support research into the effective treatment and cure of childhood cancer; special events include professional athletes, community-minded business people, corporations, fraternal organizations, local celebrities, and volunteers
- Makerspace: Milwaukee Makerspace; a social club for people who like build, invent, tinker and/or collect new skills and expand their minds
- Medical: Medical Society of Milwaukee County; an organization of physicians that provides leadership responsive to the needs of its members and collaborates with others to improve the community's health by maintaining the highest possible standards in the practice of medicine
- Medieval Life: Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr; dedicated to providing an atmosphere of learning, sharing, growth and recognition through the study and re-enactment of medieval life
- Ministries: Milwaukee Outreach Center; unites churches and ministries to reach out to those in need of physical and spiritual help
- MS Soc: Wisconsin Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society; helps people with multiple sclerosis
- New Urbanism: Congress for the New Urbanism Wisconsin Chapter; works for sustainable cities, agricultural and natural land preservation, urban centers and towns with diverse neighborhoods, and education and exchange in the area of the New Urbanism
- Park People: Park People of Milwaukee County; a volunteer group working in partnership with the Milwaukee County Park Department to protect, enhance and preserve the more than 144 parks and 6,000 hectares of land in Milwaukee County
- Performing Arts: United Performing Arts Fund; raises operating funds for its member performing arts groups
- Public Policy: Public Policy Forum; a group devoted to a range of issues affecting southeastern Wisconsin, the state and the nation: education, tax and economic development policy, transportation, public safety, health, public infrastructure and other quality of life issues
- Press: Milwaukee Press Club; local journalism organization
- Recreation: Milwaukee Recreation; a department of the Milwaukee Public Schools to provide community recreation programs for adults and children
- Recycling: Milwaukee Recycles; Recycle for Good - Milwaukee; aims to bring together neighborhoods while providing information and education in preventing valuable recyclables from going to waste in our landfills; recycling information from a variety of local, state and federal resources
- Red Cross: American Red Cross Greater Milwaukee Chapter; provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies; includes Dodge, Jefferson, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, and Waukesha Counties
- River: Friends of Milwaukee's Rivers; works to advocate for water quality, land use, and the biota in the watersheds of the Milwaukee, Menomonee, and Kinnickinnic rivers
- River Rivitalization: River Revitalization Foundation; conservation and protection of the Milwaukee, Menomonee and Kinnickinnic Rivers; protection of riparian corridors; land acquisition, easements, connecting green space, creating a parkway which provides public access to the river valley, and landowner education
- St. Vincent: St. Vincent de Paul Society District Council of Milwaukee; a Catholic lay organization which involves its volunteer members in helping situations with those who are in need
- Salvation Army: Salvation Army Greater Milwaukee; provides food and housing
- SCORE: Service Corps of Retired Executives; works for entrepreneur education and the formation, growth, and success of small businesses
- SciFi: Milwaukee Time Lords; a science fiction fan club with its original foundation being the British TV series Doctor Who
- Scottish: Wisconsin Scottish; preserves the traditional arts and crafts, culture, heritage and traditions of the British Isles through educational activities
- Scottish Dancers: Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers; a social group that enjoys learning and dancing the traditional jigs, reels and strathspeys of Scotland
- Singles: MKE Personals; a resource that allows singles connect through personal ads as well as a personality profile that helps match dimensions of compatibility
- Special Olympics: Special Olympics Wisconsin; provides persons with cognitive disabilities year-round sports training and competition
- Story-Ex Fabula: community bonds through storytelling
- Tech Comm: Society for Technical Communication Wisconsin Chapter; serves Technical Writers, Graphic Artists, and other technical communication professionals throughout Wisconsin, especially in the Southeastern area of the state
- Transition: Transition Milwaukee; works to create, enhance and promote community projects related to food, power, economics, transportation, and self-reliance
- Turners: Milwaukee Turners; hosts public discussions and debate on democracy and programs for physical health such as gymnastics education, public forums, music and art events; has its roots in the German Turn Verein associations of the early 19th century founded by Frederick Ludwig Jahn in 1811 to prepare youth mentally and physically for resistance to Napoleonic domination; these organizations were later founded in the United States by German immigrants; the Milwaukee Turners were founded in 1855
- United Way: United Way of Greater Milwaukee; conducts a single, community-wide fund-raising campaign once a year to provide local health and human service programs with money for community problems like child abuse, hunger, homelessness and substance abuse
- Urban Ecology: Urban Ecology Center; a neighborhood ecology education community center in Riverside Park; see
photo album page
- Urban Gardens: Milwaukee Urban Gardens; acquires and preserves land and partners with neighborhood residents to develop and maintain community gardens; currently holds titles to four properties: Greenfolks Garden in Riverwest; Village Roots Garden in Bay View; Hocking Heritage and Spencer Garden, both on the Northwest side of Milwaukee
- Urban League: Milwaukee Urban League; works to help people to achieve their full potential and participate in the social mainstream, to secure economic self-sufficiency, parity and power, and civil rights
- Vintage: Retro - Milwaukee; memories, images, and accounts of Milwaukee's past
- Volunteers: Volunteer Center of Greater Milwaukee; connects people with opportunities to volunteer in a wide range of organizations; site includes a listing of volunteer opportunities with many area nonprofit organizations
- Water: The Water Council; works on area freshwater research, economic development and education; formerly The Milwaukee Water Council
- Woman's Club: Woman's Club of Wisconsin; civic and social club; see
photo album page
- Women's Business: Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation; an economic development corporation offering business education, technical assistance and access to capital for women and minority entrepreneurs
- Writing: Redbird studios; a small educational organization dedicated to helping people write; located in the Marian Center on the shore of Lake Michigan in Bay View, Milwaukee
- YMCA: YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee; provides exercise and fitness programs to the community as well as programs for families, mentoring, teens, children, and young women
- YWCA: YWCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee
- Zoological Society: Zoological Society of Milwaukee; conserves wildlife and endangered species, educates people about the importance of wildlife and the environment, and supports the Milwaukee County Zoo
- -USA Directories-: Search organization directories; there are hundreds of thousands of organizations, associations, societies, and nonprofits in the US covering many interests; some of these are based in Milwaukee; these directories help you locate an organization
- Commerce: Organizations promoting business and business opportunities in the Milwaukee Area
- Water Council: Water-related Milwaukee-area businesses, education and government people and organizations; more than 180 members; global water technology companies; water entrepreneurs; government agencies; non-governmental organizations; academic research programs; water professionals
- Water Commons: Milwaukee Water Commons; community organization; stewardship, access, decision-making for water resources
- StartupMKE: new business community
- Commons: college students work to launch high-growth startups
- Dept of City Dev: Milwaukee Department of City Development; aims to improve the quality of life in Milwaukee by guiding and promoting development that creates jobs, builds wealth and strengthens the urban environment, and at the same time respects equity, economy and ecology
- Hispanic Chamber: Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin; networks existing businesses with the personnel and technical resources to expand and diversify
- M7: Seven-county region surrounding Milwaukee; promoting itself for economic development and business purposes; counties are Kenosha, Milwaukee, Racine, Walworth, Waukesha, and Washington
- MiKE: innovation in MKE; a design, technology and innovation cluster
- MMAC: Metropolitan Milwaukee Area Chamber of Commerce; encourages business development, capital investment and job creation, and provides networking opportunities, events, and volunteer opportunities; Council of Small Business Executives; represents businesses in Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington Counties
- Research Pk: Milwaukee County Research Park Corporation; manages the development of a university-related research park on 70 hectares of Milwaukee County owned land in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
- SWWT: Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds Trust (Sweet Water); a collaborative effort to achieve healthy and sustainable water resources throughout the Greater Milwaukee Watersheds
- Tech Hub: MKE Tech Hub Coalition; works to increase the tech talent in the Milwaukee region
- World Trade Assoc: Milwaukee World Trade Association; membership organization that links companies and individuals with common interests: the expansion of international business, exchange of experiences, increasing member knowledge and expertise in international sales and services
- Listings: Connect to online calendars and databases; show what's going on and where; see also the venues section for listings of events
- -Major CALENDAR-: Major Festivals Calendar; a brief run-down of the major festivals listed in chronological order with links to official Web sites and a brief description
- Visitors Calendar: Calendar of Events; view list of major events or search for events by date and category; provided by Greater Milwaukee Convention and Visitors Bureau
- OnMilw Events: Events section from; lists area events
- JSOnline: Entertainment; shows Milwaukee events on a wide range of categories; provided by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel newspaper's online service
- UWM: University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee; shows daily, academic, and ongoing events at the campus including public lectures, concerts, films, art, and events
- Ticket King: Local and national ticket broker; specializes in Wisconsin and Minnesota events; site includes listings of hot events and availability of tickets
- -USA Listings -: Events listings directories; there are many sites that list events of all kinds
- Performing: Milwaukee is home to many performing arts and cultural groups
- Alverno Presents: performing arts series at Alverno College
- Bel Canto Chorus: choral arts organization; includes the Bel Canto Boy Choir
- Boulevard Theatre: Boulevard Ensemble Studio Theatre
- Chamber Theatre: Milwaukee Chamber Theatre
- Comedy: Milwaukee Comedy; Milwaukee Comedy Festival and; lists comedy events including sketch comedy, improv, stand-up, open mic nights, special events and more in and around the Greater Milwaukee area
- Constructivists: live theatre
- Early Music: Early Music Now; presents historically-informed performances by recognized artists and ensembles who specialize in music before 1800
- First Stage: First Stage Children's Theater
- Jazz: Milwaukee Jazz Vision; musicians, teachers, students, listeners, music industry professionals and community leaders working to advance the Jazz community in Milwaukee
- Knightwind: Knightwind Ensemble; adult wind band
- Milwaukee Ballet: Ballet company in Milwaukee
- MPT: Milwaukee Public Theatre; creates and presents theatrical and performing arts productions through a professional company
- NextAct: Next Act Theatre; professional non-profit theater company
- Opera Florentine: Milwaukee Florentine Opera Company; presents grand opera productions and community and educational programs
- Opera Skyllight: Skylight Opera Theatre; professional opera and music theater company encompassing baroque opera, European operetta, Gilbert and Sullivan, Broadway musicals, contemporary chamber operas and original musical revues; in English; located in the Broadway Theatre Center
- Pink Banana Theatre: encourages new and emerging artists
- Present Music: Ensemble specializing in new music in the United States
- Renaissance: Renaissance Theaterworks; specializing in the feminine voice; located off-Broadway at the corner of Water and St. Paul Streets
- The Rep: Milwaukee Repertory Theater; professional, live theater company located in the heart of the Downtown Theater District in the Patty & Jay Baker Theater Complex, located in the Milwaukee Center
- Symphony MSO: Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra; major, professional symphony orchestra
- Symphony Festival: Milwaukee's Festival City Symphony; provides free or low-cost concerts for Milwaukee audiences while giving talented musicians an opportunity to perform
- Symphony Youth: Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra; provides training in techniques of orchestral and ensemble musicianship through a program of rehearsals, performances and enrichment activities to young musicians ages 8-18 in Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin
- Windfall: Windfall Theatre; a non-profit, professional theater company with a three-production season
- Festivals: Milwaukee is known as the City of Festivals; many ethnic and cultural festivals are held annually in Milwaukee; some of these festivals are the largest of their kind; most (but not all--see Web sites) are held at Milwaukee's Maier Festival Grounds (known as Summerfest grounds because of its largest and most famous annual festival) located on 30 hectares at the Lake Michigan shoreline just north of the mouth of the Milwaukee river; all of these festivals depend on thousands of volunteers and staff; see the calendar of major festivals for a chronological run-down of the major festivals; see the periodic events section for information on recurring concert series and other non-festival events
- -Major CALENDAR-: Major Festivals Calendar; a brief run-down of the major festivals listed in chronological order with links to official Web sites and a brief description
- Arts Lakefront: Lakefront Festival of Arts; put on by the Milwaukee Art Museum, offers unique works of art in a variety of media, demonstrations by artists, food, and music
- Art Third Ward: Third Ward Art Festival
- Asian: Asian Festival
- Bastille: Bastille Days; organized by Milwaukee's East Town Association; celebrates music, food, and culture loosely organized around a French theme; held in the Cathedral Square area of Milwaukee's East Town
- Black Arts: honors African and African American culture
- Brady St: Brady Street Festival; see
photo album page
- Brewfest: Milwaukee Brewfest; a celebration of beer, breweries, and brewers; held at the Old Coast Guard Pavilion Park on Milwaukee's lakefront
- Bronzeville: Cultural and Arts Festival
- Center St: Center Street Daze Festival; in Riverwest
- Comedy: Milwaukee Comedy; Milwaukee Comedy Festival and; lists comedy events including sketch comedy, improv, stand-up, open mic nights, special events and more in and around the Greater Milwaukee area
- Directory: Community and Parish Festival Directory; this is a directory of the many community, church, fair, and other small festival and fairs held throughout the area; CFC = Council of Festival Committees
- Dragon Boat: Milwaukee Dragon Boat Festival; organized by Milwaukee Chinese Community Center
- Film: Milwaukee Film Festival; features an international slate of films
- Firkin: Milwaukee Firkin (29.81 liters in the US) Craft Beer Fest; a celebration of Milwaukee beer, past, present and future; a US firkin is a unit of measure about a quarter barrel of beer or 29.81 liters; see
photo album page
- Fifth St: Fifth St
- Folkfair: Holiday Folk Fair International; produced by the International Institute of Wisconsin, an organization dedicated to racial, cultural, and ethnic understanding
- Fringe: performance and visual arts; celebrates Milwaukee's vibrant and diverse arts scene
- German: German Fest; features musicians and dance troupes from around the world, costumes, contests, a live Glockenspiel, and other family activities
- Greek: Greek Fest; at State Fair Park
- Harbor: Harbor Fest; put on by the Harbor District
- Highland Games Scottish: Milwaukee Scottish Fest
- IndiaFest: InidaFest; Indian authentic food, gorgeous costumes, cultural shows, dance, music, and activities
- Indian Summer: Native American; celebrates the diversity of both traditional and contemporary Native American culture
- Irish: Milwaukee Irish Fest; celebrates Irish culture, music, and food at the lakefront annually and also works on promoting Irish culture and traditions throughout the year
- Italiana: Festa Italiana; music, food, bocce, artifacts from the Blessed Virgin of Pompeii Church, gondola rides, fireworks
- Jazz: Summer Sizzle; Jazz festival in the Historic Third Ward
- Kite: Various Kite Festivals; in Veterans Park; see "Events" section; Cool Kite Festival, Family Kite Festival, Frank Mots Kite festival; see
photo album page
- Laborfest: Milwaukee County Labor Council AFL-CIO; a parade through downtown Milwaukee; festival on the Summerfest grounds (Maier Festival Park)
- Locust St: Locust Street Festival; music, food, vendors, beer run/walk; in Riverwest (west bank of the Milwaukee River)
- Mexican: Mexican Fiesta; the sound, culture and taste of Mexico
- Octoberfest: Milwaukee
- Periodic Events: for other events, see this listing of non-festival events of various kinds; Milwaukee has many annual or one-day special events, ongoing summer concert series, and recurring trade shows that are not festivals, but have many similar features (food, folks, and fun)
- Petfest: Pet activities; Fromm Family foods
- Polish: Polish Fest; food, music, Chopin Piano competition; site includes information about Wisconsin's Polish Community
- Pride: PrideFest; celebrates diversity, the accomplishments, contributions, and history of the LGBT community
- Running: Milwaukee Running Festival; marathon, half-marathon
- Rock the Green: near-zero waste music festival; eco-friendly event production; clean/renewable energy to power the event to composting to biodegradable plates/utensils and more
- Scottish: Milwaukee Highland Games / Milwaukee Scottish Fest; bands, food, dancing, sheepdogs, parade
- Summer Sizzle: Jazz festival; in the Historic Third Ward
- Summer Solstice: The East Side's Summer Solstice Music Festival
- Summerfest: Summerfest; Milwaukee's largest and most famous summer festival; world's largest outdoor music festival; "The Big Gig;" music festival; eleven days, twelve hours a day, thirteen stages, hundreds of performers, food, hundreds of thousands of folks, and fun
- Sun Fair: On Historic Mitchell Street; entertainment, rides, games, music, and food; visits to historic churches
- Trainfest: Trainfest; presents operating model train layouts along with manufacturers, historical societies, displays, artists, hobby shops, demonstrations, and locomotive testing; put on by the Wisconsin Southeastern Division, Inc. of the Midwest Region of the National Model Railroad Association
- Urban Island: urban park festival; at Lakeshore State Park; see
photo album page; formerly called Gathering Waters Festival
- Periodic: Milwaukee has many annual or one-day special events, ongoing summer concert series, and recurring trade shows; see the festivals section for the world-famous and community ethnic festivals held in Milwaukee
- Air Show: Milwaukee Air and Water Show; on the Lakefront; airpower demonstrations; water show; my photos
- Al's Run: Run and Walk for Children's Hospital; fundraising run and walk for Children's Hospital of Wisconsin; memorializes Al McGuire, the late Marquette University basketball coach, wanted to thank the southeastern Wisconsin community for its support of the Marquette Warriors during the 1977 NCAA season
- APT: Arte Para Todos; neighborhood local art and music experience
- Bay View Bash: A block party for the Bay View neighborhood; music, entertainment, and food
- Bay View Gallery Night: a twice-yearly art event
- Beer Gardens: Milwaukee County Parks; drink beer in selected parks through the summer season; "traveling beer garden"
- Beer Week: celebrating Beer in Brew City
- Bradford Beach: Summer fun; Bradford Beach is open May to October; beach Volleyball Leagues run June through September; Music by the Fire each Thursday and Sunday Funday’s starting June 17 through September 26; Bradford Beach Jams
- Brewers Mini: Brewers Mini-Marathon; half-marathon, 5K, 10K; begin and end at Miller Park
- Chill on the Hill: Humboldt Park; outdoor summer concert series
- Christkindlmarket: German-themed holiday market; at the Wisconsin Entertainment and Sports Center plaza
- Cicloviamke: a car-free public space event; families and friends can exercise and play, and neighborhood businesses can engage the community
- Circus: Tripoli Shrine Circus; annual circus held in February
- Cream City Classic: Open river swim; on the Milwaukee River
- DOMKE: Doors Open Milwaukee; visit building interiors during this special program of Historic Milwaukee, Inc.; my photos from DOMKE
- Dylan's Run: Benefits Autism Research and The Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin
- Fall Experiment: technology, art, film, and music
- Festivals: MKE Festivals; a list of the many ethnic and cultural festivals held in Milwaukee
- Free Music: Directory of area music series; a directory of places to go in the greater Milwaukee area for free music and other events, including summer concert series
- Gallery Night: Quarterly art gallery event; art galleries, art schools, and art musuems throughout the downtown, east side, Third Ward, and Walker's Point, and around offer special exhibits, food, entertainment on a Friday night
- Green Energy: Green Energy Summit and Exposition; green sector development and investment; energy-water nexus; education, efficiency, financing, agriculture, building, business, manufacturing, careers, innovation, recycling, renewables, responsibility, sustainability, transportation, and water; see
photo album page
- Harley: Anniversary of Harley-Davidson Motorcycles in Milwaukee
- Holiday Lights: Winter season lights display; lights illuminate downtown parks and buildings
- Holiday Parade: Annual Holiday Parade; downtown Milwaukee
- Hunting Moon: Pow Wow; a celebration of Native American culture and tradition
- Jazz: Milwaukee Jazz Vision; periodic jazz events; Bay View Jazz Fest; Visions on the Lake
- Jazz in Park: Weekly summer jazz concert; in Cathedral Square park in downtown Milwaukee's East Town
- Lake MI Trail Marathon: Marathon; Half Marathon; 50k; 32k Training Run; trails through Milwaukee's park system
- Lake Park: Concerts at Frederick Law Olmsted designed park; lighthouse, golf, lion bridges; see
photo album page
- Lakefront Marathon: Annual marathon; from Grafton to downtown
- Live @ Peck: summer concerts and film at the outdoor Peck Pavillion at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts
- Live @ the Lakefront: Summer concert series at Discovery World; at Pier Wisconsin on Lake Michigan
- Maker Faire: makers show off their stuff; tech enthusiasts, inventors, crafters, educators, tinkerers and hobbyists of all ages exhibit their work and share their knowledge and skills; co-hosted by Betty Brinn Children’s Museum and the Milwaukee Makerspace, in collaboration with MAKE magazine and sponsored by Brady Corporation.
- Marathon/Runningfest: Milwaukee Running Festival; marathon, half-marathon
- Memorial Day: War Memorial Center, downtown Milwaukee, Veterans Park
- Mexican Independence: Mexican Independence Parade and Festival
- Milwaukee Day: a celebration of the 414; events throughout the city on April 14th to recognize what is special about Milwaukee
- Milwaukee Rally: Harley-Davidson motorcycle rally; produced by Harley-Davidson Dealers of Metro Milwaukee
- Morning Glory Craft: Morning Glory Fine Craft Fair; fine craft artists exhibiting media in ceramics, glass, leather, wood, photography, jewelry, fiber, enamel, handmade paper, metal, and mixed media
- Museum "Mile": annual day of free entry to a consortium of museums in the East Side of Milwaukee; Charles Allis Art Museum, Jewish Museum Milwaukee, North Point Lighthouse, Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, and the Museum of Wisconsin Art on St John's on The Lake; NOTE: the walking distance from the southernmost museum, The Jewish Museum of Milwaukee, to the northernmost, North Point Lighthouse, is about 3 km (I'm not sure why they name this consortium after a distance representing about half that)
- Night Market: MKE Night Market; people, food, music, and the night on West Wisconsin Avenue
- Park Events: Calendar of events in Milwaukee County parks
- Plein Air MKE: artists paint and compete for prizes; along the Milwaukee Museum "Mile"
- Polar Plunge: Polar Bear Plunge Milwaukee
- Race4Cure: The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Race for the Cure; fundraiser for the Komen foundation which fights breast cancer
- Ride for Arts: Miller Lite Ride for the Arts; bicycle ride to benefit the United Performing Arts Fund
- River Challenge: Milwaukee River Challenge; a rowing regatta on the Milwaukee River along a 3.5 km course
- River Flicks: summer film series; see
photo album page
- River Rhythms: Weekly summer concert series; in Marquette Park on the Milwaukee river
- Sculpture: Sculpture Milwaukee; annual outdoor urban sculpture in downtown Milwaukee
- St Patrick's: Saint Patrick's Day Parade; Shamrock Club of Wisconsin; my photos
- Skyline Music: Summer music series at Selig-Joseph-Folz Ampitheater
- State Fair: Wisconsin State Fair; annual celebration of the agriculture and industry of Wisconsin
- Starup Week: new business community
- Veterans Parade: Milwaukee Annual parade recognizing veterans; my photos
- World Beef Expo: Annual beef tradeshow; held at Wisconsin State Fair Park and features many breeds of beef cattle, breed auctions, a prospect auctions, commercial trade show and seminars, youth and collegiate livestock judging competition, and youth sweepstake events
- YP Week: Young Professional Week; events celebrating Milwaukee for the young professional workforce
Milwaukee has many neighborhoods, entertainment venues, museums, and other places with Web sites
- Sites: Places such as parks, buildings, public gardens and zoos, notable buildings, libraries, interesting places; see also the listings for Venues, Museums, Neighborhoods, Dining, and Housing; see Activities for cultural centers; to locate a specific organization or type of organization not listed here, try yellow pages or keyword search tools
- Architecture Buildings: MKE Tall Buildings; shows information about Milwaukee's major residential, office, and other buildings
- Beaches: Milwaukee County Beaches; information about the beach, nearshore and weather conditions at public beaches within the Milwaukee County Park System
- Botanical Gdns: Boerner Botanical Gardens; in Whitnall Park
- Casino: Potawatomi Bingo Casino; a Native American-run gambling casino down in the Menomonee Valley
- Domes: Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory; a set of three glass-enclosed domes that house a desert oasis, a tropical jungle and floral gardens; see
photo album page
- Ecology Ctr: Urban Ecology Center; a neighborhood ecology education community center in Riverside Park; see
photo album page
- Forest Home: Forest Home Cemetery; historic, 80-hectare cemetery on Milwaukee's south side
- Farm Fresh Atlas: Wisconsin's Farm Fresh Atlases; regional food guides include farms, farmers' markets, restaurants, stores and other businesses that sell local food and use sustainable production and business practices; most regions of Wisconsin
- Greenway: Milwaukee River Greenway; a 21-kilometer long, shared-use area of 324 hectares along the banks of the Milwaukee River from Silver Spring Drive in the north to the North Avenue Dam Pedestrian Bridge in the south; bicycle, walking, hiking trails, wetland, forest, forested wetland, public park, landmarks; Milwaukee Rotary Centennial Arboretum near East Park Place; Kiwanis Landing near 2100 North Riverboat Road; River Revitalization Foundation
- Farmers Mkt-Winter: Milwaukee County Winter Farmers Market; local, sustainable agriculture; small family farms and innovative food businesses; access to wholesome food; Open Every Saturday from November 7, 2015 through Saturday April 9, 2016
- Hank Aaron Tr: Recreational trail honoring baseball legend Hank Aaron; along the Menomonee River in Milwaukee; see
photo album page
- Havenwoods St Forest: a 95-hectare green space in north central Milwaukee
- IMAX: Humphrey IMAX Dome Theater; at the Milwaukee Public Museum
- Lake Michigan: Great Lakes Information; Lake Michigan is the only Great Lake located entirely within the United States
- Lake Park: Frederick Law Olmsted designed park; lighthouse, golf, lion bridges; see
photo album page
- Lakeshore St Pk: 7 hectare park on a constructed island in Lake Michigan; just offshore from the Maier Festival Grounds (Summerfest); see
photo album page
- Libraries County: Milwaukee County Federated Library System; a federation of Milwaukee county libraries
- Library MPL: Milwaukee Public Library; the city of Milwaukee's public library; see
photo album page
- Library WPLC: Wisconsin Digital Library; online digital public library for e-books, audio, and digital content to a wide range of devices; Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC)
- Lynden Sculpture: Lynden Sculpture Garden; more than 50 sculptures set on 16 hectares of park, ponds, and trees; formerly known as Bradley Sculpture Garden
- Murals: Map of Milwaukee Murals
- Nature Ctr Schlitz: Schlitz Audubon Nature Center; a locally-supported 75-hectare nature center north of Milwaukee between Fox Point and Bayside along the shore of Lake Michigan; includes many of the landforms and biota of southeastern Wisconsin: prairies, forests, bluff, ravines, ponds and lakeshore; see
photo album page
- Nature Ctr Wehr: Wehr Nature Center; 80 hectares of prairie, woodlands, wetlands, an oak savanna, and Mallard Lake; in Whitnall Park, part of the Milwaukee County Park system
- North Pt Lighthouse: North Point Lighthouse; located in Lake Park; opened in 1855; see
photo album page
- Old Milwaukee: Street Guide to Old Milwaukee
- Parking:; Directory of downtown public parking areas
- Parking-USA: USA Parking; links to information about automobile parking and services that serve a national audience
- Parks: Milwaukee County Parks; a system of over 140 parks on 6,000 hectares; site includes list of special events in the parks
- Parks, Dog: dog-friendly park information; off-leash dog exercise areas in Milwaukee County
- Pettit Ctr: Pettit National Ice Center; U.S. Olympic Training Facility that supports the development of skating among people of all ages and abilities; public ice skating available year-round
- Pier Wisconsin: docking site of Wisconsin's schooner, the S/V Denis Sullivan; programs include education, events, and a freshwater festival; see
photo album page
- Planetarium MPM: Daniel M. Soref Planetarium at the Milwaukee Public Museum; astronomy shows projected on an IMAX dome
- Planetarium UWM: Manfred Olson Planetarium at the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee; public astronomy shows
- Public Market: Milwaukee Public Market; a proposed public market to sell fresh, locally-produced foods, organic items, produce, meat, poultry, seafood, cheese, and specialty foods; to be in the Historic Third Ward's Commission Row, a place where sales of food took place for over a century; see
photo album page
- Riverwalk: walkway along Milwaukee River; see
photo album page
- St John's Cathedral: Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist; historic Roman Catholic church located at Cathedral Square park in downtown Milwaukee; home church of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee; see
photo album page
- St Josaphat Basilica: Basilica of St. Josaphat; historic Roman Catholic Romanesque basilica on the south side of Milwaukee; patterned after St. Peter's in Rome; see
photo album page
- Tripoli Shrine: Tripoli Center; replica of India's Taj Mahal; home to the Tripoli Shrine Temple and the headquarters of all Shriner activities in Milwaukee and Wisconsin; completed in 1928; on the National Register of Historic Places; see
photo album page
- Urban Ecology Ctr: neighborhood ecology education community center; in Riverside Park; see
photo album page
- Visit Milwaukee: convention & visitors bureau; official Milwaukee tourism information
- War Memorial Ctr: Milwaukee County War Memorial Center; honors veterans at lakefront facility which includes a USO organization, the Wisconsin Veteran's memorial; see
photo album page
- WI Athletic: Wisconsin Athletic Hall of Fame
- WI Travel: Official Wisconsin travel information; Wisconsin Department of Tourism provides official travel information for Wisconsin destinations
- Wright: Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings in the area; Wright designed houses based on factory-made components--the American System-Built Homes; see
photo album page
- Zoo: Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens; a zoo over a century old and 80 hectares in size, home to more than 300 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and invertebrates; open year-round with many special events; one of the largest tourist attractions in Wisconsin
- Venues: Places for performances, concerts, athletics, conventions, tradeshows, gatherings
- American Family Field: Baseball stadium; home of the Milwaukee Brewer's Major League baseball team; site formerly County Stadium; stadium formerly Miller Park; currently American Family Field
- AmpFam Amphitheater: indoor/outdoor, partly-covered concert venue; located at the Lakefront and Milwaukee River mouth; seating includes bench, and general admission, and lawn; used during Summerfest and also other times of the year
- Fiserv Forum; Wisconsin Entertainment and Sports Center; multipurpose arena
- Broadway Theatre Center: Theatre complex in the Third Ward; The Skylight, Chamber Theatre, Renaissance Theaterworks
- Brumder Mansion: small theater inside historic bed and breakfast
- Domes: Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory; a set of three glass-enclosed domes that house a desert oasis, a tropical jungle and floral gardens; can be rented for events--weddings, corporate, family see
photo album page
- Expo Ctr: Wisconsin Exposition Center; 1.85 hectare exhibit hall; on the grounds of Wisconsin State Fair Park, West Allis
- Italian Conf Ctr: Italian Community Center automobile storage; see
photo album page
- Kern Ctr: Milwaukee School of Engineering; recreation, athletic, health and wellness facility; hosts men's and women's home basketball and volleyball games; wrestling competitions; ice arena; track; 2 hectares; see
photo album page
- Marcus PAC: Marcus Center for the Performing Arts; downtown performing arts center located at Water and Kilbourn Streets which includes Vogel Hall, Uihlein Hall, Todd Wehr Theater, Peck Pavilion; see
photo album page
- Milw Rep/Baker Complex: Milwaukee Repertory Theater Patty and Jay Baker Theater Complex; in Milwaukee Center; theaters include Quadracci Powerhouse Theater (seats 720), Stiemke Theater (seats 218), Stackner Cabaret (seats 118)
- Milwaukee Theatre: 4,100-seat performing arts theater downtown; part of the Wisconsin Center District; see
photo album page
- Miramar Theater: Performing arts theater; in the University Square area just southwest of UW-Milwaukee campus; eclectic programming in music, & etc
- Pabst Theater: Theater of Captain Frederick Pabst; historic performing arts theater in downtown Milwaukee; see
photo album page
- Rave, The: Entertainment complex featuring club acts; located west of Marquette University downtown; includes Eagles Ballroom, Eagles Club, the Rave Bar; see
photo album page
- Riverside Theater: Performing arts theater in downtown Milwaukee at the river and Wisconsin Avenue
- Shank Hall: Popular small concert venue on Milwaukee's East side; hosts a variety of musical and some comedy acts
- State Fair Pk: Wisconsin State Fair Park; home of the annual Wisconsin State Fair and also the Milwaukee Mile (1.6 km) automobile racing track and year-round events in the expo hall
- Tripoli Shrine Temple: replica of India's Taj Mahal; center for Shriner activities in Milwaukee and Wisconsin; see
photo album page
- Turner Hall: Turner Hall Ballroom; performance space dating back to 1882; part of Milwaukee Turner Hall; see
photo album page
- UWM Panther Arena: 12,700-seat sports/performing arts venue downtown; part of the Wisconsin Center District; formerly Milwaukee Arena, MECCA Arena, US Cellular Arena, The Cell, and the UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena; see
photo album page
- War Memorial Ctr: Milwaukee County War Memorial Center; honors veterans at lakefront facility which includes a USO organization, the Wisconsin Veteran's memorial; see
photo album page
- Wisconsin Ctr: Convention center in downtown Milwaukee; part of the Wisconsin Center District; formerly Midwest Express Center, Midwest Airlines Center; Frontier Airlines Center; Delta Center; on site of center formerly known as MECCA (Milwaukee Exposition, Convention Center, and Arena); originally named Wisconsin Center, then renamed the Wisconsin Center; see
photo album page
- WI Ctr Dist: Wisconsin Center District; collection of convention center space and arenas in downtown Milwaukee; includes the convention center, U.S. Cellular Arena, Milwaukee Theatre, and Wisconsin Athletic Walk of Fame; some buildings formerly known as M.E.C.C.A.
- Museums: Displays of objects; includes planned educational activities related to art, history, culture, or science
- Art Allis: Charles Allis Art Museum; a house museum containing a collection of paintings, prints, sculpture, ceramics, and more; see
photo album page
- Art Grohmann MSOE: Grohmann Museum; The Eckhart G. Grohmann Collection Man at Work at Milwaukee School of Engineering; see
photo album page
- Art Haggerty: Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University; campus art museum offering permanent collection including a salon-style installation of Old Master works
- Art Lynden: Lynden Sculpture Garden; more than 50 sculptures set on 16 hectares of park, ponds, and trees; formerly known as Bradley Sculpture Garden
- Art MAM: Milwaukee Art Museum; lakefront art museum providing a collection and special exhibits; building is notable for its Calatrava-designed addition opened in 2001; see
photo album page
- Art UWM: Mathis Gallery; Emile H. Mathis Gallery University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee; campus art gallery
- Art UWM Union: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Union Art Gallery; work in all mediums by local, regional, and national emerging and established artists
- Art Villa Terrrace: Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum; a house museum in the style of a 16th century Italian Renaissance villa; on the bluff overlooking Lake Michigan; has outdoor garden on hill going down to the lake; see
photo album page
- Art Walker's Pt: Walker's Point Center for the Arts; art exhibits; supports visual and performing arts and learning in a multicultural environment
- Art Warehouse: The Warehouse; exhibition space in 1924 building in Milwaukee's Design District; permanent collection includes late 19th and 20th century works; by appointment
- Beer/MCHS: Milwaukee Beer Museum and Beer Bar; presented by the Milwaukee County Historical Society
- Black Historical Society: Wisconsin Black Historical Society; documents and preserves the heritage of African descent in Wisconsin; museum exhibits
- Black Holocaust: America's Black Holocaust Museum; educates the general public of the injustices suffered by people of African Heritage in America; provides visitors with an opportunity to rethink their assumptions about race and racism
- Bobblehead: Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum; opened 2019 in Walker's Point
- Brewing: Proposed Museum of Beer & Brewing;no museum yet, but an effort to preserve and showcase the history of beer and the brewing industry
- Childrens: Betty Brinn's Children's Museum; on the lakefront at the east end of Wisconsin Avenue
- Chudnow History: Milwaukee Memoriabilia from early 20th century; Avrum Chudnow's (1913-2005) collection of 1920's and 30's Milwaukee artifacts
- Discovery World: educational, cultural, and environmental experiences; Hands-on exhibits, fresh water and salt water aquariums, interactive educational programs, media and distance learning labs, digital theaters, live performance theater; on the lakefront; see
photo album page
- Fire: Milwaukee Fire Department Museum and Historical Society; housed in the former quarters of Engine 23 and Truck 14; open specific days of the year--see Web page
- Gallery of Flight: Mitchell Gallery of Flight; a small aviation museum located inside Milwaukee's General Mitchell International Airport
- Harley: Harley-Davidson Museum; a museum showcasing Harley-Davidson motorcycles; restaurant, cafe, store; museum has serial #1 of first Harley built in 1903, Elvis Presley's 1956 Harley, King Kong (4 meter-long custom Harley); in downtown Milwaukee near Sixth and Canal; see
photo album page
- Historic Society: Milwaukee County Historical Society; preserves and makes available materials related to Milwaukee's history; historical museum in downtown Milwaukee in Marquette Park on the Milwaukee River; see
photo album page
- Hmong: Museum; Hmong arts and artifacts displayed at Hmong American Friendship Association Inc.; a collaborative effort between the Hmong American Friendship and members of the Hmong communities in Milwaukee to preserve Hmong cultures
- Jewish: Jewish Museum Milwaukee; Jewish heritage and culture, through artifacts, film, photographs and a timeline; Holocaust and on the founding of Israel, with special emphasis on Golda Meir, a Russian immigrant to Milwaukee who went on to become the fourth prime minister of Israel.
- Museum "Mile": consortium of museums in the East Side of Milwaukee; Charles Allis Art Museum, Jewish Museum Milwaukee, North Point Lighthouse, Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, and the Museum of Wisconsin Art on St John's on The Lake; NOTE: the walking distance from the southernmost museum, The Jewish Museum of Milwaukee, to the northernmost, North Point Lighthouse, is about 3 km (I'm not sure why they name this consortium after a distance representing about half that)
- North Pt Lighthouse: North Point Lighthouse; located in Lake Park; opened in 1855; see
photo album page
- Pabst Mansion: Flemish Renaissance Mansion of Captain Frederick Pabst; house museum; 1892 mansion of beer baron Pabst; tours of 37 rooms; located just west of downtown Milwaukee on Wisconsin Avenue; see
photo album page
- Public Museum: Milwaukee Public Museum; natural history museum located in downtown Milwaukee; human history, paleontology, zoology, botany, geology and anthropology; notable diorama displays and Streets of Old Milwaukee; exhibits include coverage of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Arctic, South and Middle America, the Pacific Island and a Costa Rican rainforest; Soref Planetarium; Humphrey IMAX Theater; Puelicher Butterfly Garden; see
photo album page
- Settlement: Old South Side Settlement Museum; by arranged tours only; located in a 105-year-old house; Urban Anthropology Inc.
- St Joan Chapel: over five centuries old; St. Joan of Arc Chapel on Marquette University campus; a chapel brought from France to the Marquette University campus; see
photo album page
- Transit: Milwaukee Transit Archives & Museum
- WI Athletic Walk of Fame: Wisconsin Athletic Walk of Fame; a display of plaques on the west side of North Fourth Street south of State Street honoring athletic achievement; inductees include Henry Aaron, Sidney Moncrief, Vince Lombardi, Al McGuire, Earl Gillespie, Bob Uecker, Jane and Lloyd Pettit; see
photo album page
- WI Black Historical: Wisconsin Black Historical Society Museum; documents and preserves the heritage of African descent in Wisconsin; museum exhibits
- Art Allis: Charles Allis Art Museum; a house museum containing a collection of paintings, prints, sculpture, ceramics, and more; see
- Neighborhoods: Areas of town with a distinct identity or official status as a business improvement district (BID), neighborhood association, or other designation
- -List-: A list of Neighborhoods in Milwaukee
- Airport Gateway: the area around Mitchell International Airport; Airport Gateway Business Improvement District #40 (AGBID); Airport Gateway Business Association (AGBA)
- Bay View NA: Bay View Neighborhood Association; resources about the Bay View community; Bay View is south of downtown Milwaukee; Bay View was incorporated as a village in 1879 after rapid growth in the area following the start of the Milwaukee Iron Company; in 1887, Bay Vew was annexed to the city of Milwaukee; see
photo album page
- Brady St: Brady Street Business Improvement District; Brady street is in the heart of Milwaukee's East Side and runs east and west, connecting the Milwaukee River to a footbridge that goes down to the lakefront; on Brady Street, you'll find houses, apartments, stores, apartments above stores, restaurants, a laundry, a hardware store, grocery stores, a drug store, many people walking, a firehouse, churches, coffee shops--an eclectic mix of all that makes a city neighborhood great, in a humble, non-glitzy, non-shopping-mall kind of way; Brady Street was the center of Milwaukee's hippies during the counterculture days of the 20th century; see
photo album page
- Brewer's Hill: Brewers Hill Neighborhood Association; west of the Milwaukee River and up a hill from downtown, Brewer's hill got its name from the beer barons who lived there during the height of Milwaukee's beer industry boom; today, it is a neighborhood being revitalized with new development; see
photo album page
- Brewery, The: mixed-use project; at the Pabst Brewing Company Historic District near 10th Street and Juneau Avenue; includes residential, office, and retail
- Bronzeville: diverse business community; where African-Americans settled after migration from the South in the mid-twentieth century; bordered by State Street to North Avenue and Old World Third/Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive to 12th Streets
- Cold Spring Pk: Cold Spring Park Neighborhood Association; bounded by Vliet Street to the north, Highland to the south, 27th Street to the east, and 35th Street to the west
- Concordia: Historic Concordia Neighbors; West of 27th Street to 35th Street, and bordered on the north by Highland Avenue and on the south by Wisconsin Avenue; home to many mansions and larger old homes
- Deer Dist: Deer District area around Fiserv Forum
- DNAMKE: Downtown Neighbors Association of Milwaukee; a membership organization; East Town, Westown, and the Historic Third Ward; Business Improvement Districts
- Downtown: Milwaukee Downtown Business Improvement District; describes attractions, events, and aspects of downtown Milwaukee; describes public service ambassadors who help visitors with information; in the downtown, you will encounter panhandlers, but please consider giving directly to a charity or social service agency and not support the hustlers who operate in this area disguised as "homeless;" also, be wary of people collecting your name and signature for a variety of causes
- East Side, The: The East Side Business Improvement District and East Side Association; located north of downtown and south of the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee campus and west of Lake Michigan and east of the Milwaukee river, The East Side encapsulates a mix of activities and neighborhoods
- East Town: East Town Association; East town is the area east of the Milwaukee River, north of Clybourn Street and south of Ogden Avenue; home of Bastille Days, Jazz in the Park, Gallery Night, a farmer's market; home of many office and condo buildings; see
photo album page
- Harbor Dist: Milwaukee's Harbor District; the area south of the Third Ward, east of Walker's Point and north of Bay View; includes area around UW-Milwaukee's School of Freshwater Sciences
- Murray Hill: Neighborhood Association; the neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin bounded by Hartford Avenue to the North, Bradford Avenue to the South, Downer Avenue to the East, and Oakland Avenue to the West
- Near West Side: neighborhood of neighborhoods; includes Avenues West, Cold Spring Park, Concordia, Martin Drive, Merrill Park, Miller valley, and Piggsville; bound by 1-43 (east), HWY 41 (west), Vliet Street and Highland Blvd. (north), I-94 (south)
- NNS: Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service; a project of United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee; reporting on local issues in five Milwaukee communities: Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, and the Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods of Burnham Park, Silver City and Layton Park
- Layton Blvd W: Layton Boulevard West Neighbors; a community development corporation, whose mission is to stabilize and revitalize the neighborhood through the empowerment of neighborhood leaders
- Martin Dr: Martin Drive Neighborhood Association; neighborhood west of downtown in the area south of Washington Park along West Vliet St, US 41, and West Martin Drive
- Menomonee Valley: Menomonee Valley Partners; the Menomonee Valley is the area around the Menomonee river which runs west to east to Lake Michigan in the center of Milwaukee; formerly a largely industrial area, the Monomonee Valley is now home to many new businesses and new developments; see
photo album page
- Mitchell St: West Historic Mitchell Street; commerical district; Mitchell Street Business Improvement District (BID) is a 16-block long district; Saint Stanislaus Church; Sun Fair summer festival
- Park East: in-development area downtown/McKinley Avenue; located near the Milwaukee river, on the north side of downtown, this is land that was formerly the Park East Freeway Spur and is now available for sale and development; consists of: McKinley Avenue District, Lower Water Street District, and Upper Water Street District
- Riverworks: Riverworks Business Improvement Districts 25 and 36
- Sherman Pk: Sherman Park Community Organization; a historic and diverse neighborhood in the central area of Milwaukee
- Silver City: Silver City Main Street; along West National Avenue in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 31st Street to Miller Park Way; named for the silver dollars workers from the nearby Menomonee Valley would spend there; puts on Silver City's Asian Festival
- Story Hill: Story Hill Neighborhood Association; perched on a bluff overlooking Miller Park
- Third Ward: Historic Third Ward Association; the Third Ward encompasses many art galleries, theaters, restaurants, apartments and condos, media-related businesses, the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design; the area south of downtown, bordered on the east by Lake Michigan and the Summerfest grounds and on the west by the Milwaukee River; see
photo album page
- Walker Sq: Walker Square; part of Walker's Point
- Uptown Crossing: Uptown Crossing Business Improvement District; North Avenue from 60th Street to 45th Street
- Washington Heights: Washington Heights Neighborhood Association
- West Town: Westown Association Business Improvement District; the area west of the Milwaukee river downtown; encompasses many businesses, parking, a farmer's market, Marquette Park, Old World Third Street, the Milwaukee Public Library Central branch, and the Wisconsin Center District
- Housing: Find a place to stay or live in Milwaukee
- Apt Showcase: Directory of apartments
- ApartmentsOnTheWeb: Apartment rental search service
- HACM: Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee; housing programs; chartered in 1944
- Lodging WIA: Wisconsin Innkeepers Association; has a lodging search service
- Property Data: Official city of Milwaukee Web site; allows you to look up information for property in Milwaukee; useful for checking out an apartment before renting it by seeing any code violations or finding out the tax or assessment value of a property
- WiHousing:; resource to help you find a home that fits your needs and budget
- -USA Housing-: National lodging and housing directories; there are national directories you can use to locate area lodging or housing
- Dining: Find a place to eat in Milwaukee
- FoodSpot: Directory of Wisconsin restaurants
- JSOnline: Dining Section; Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; gives reviews of area restaurants; includes directory of area restaurants
- MKE Cafes: listing of coffeehouse-type spots in Milwaukee; notes those which offer free wireless Internet service
- MKE Fun: gives a rundown on some places to eat by category; provides links to Web sites
- -USA Dining-: National Dining directories; you can use this link to locate restaurants in the area that may not be listed in the local guides
Milwaukee is home to major-league basketball and baseball, pro hockey and soccer, and NCAA Division I sports
- Pro: Professional sports in Milwaukee
- Admirals: Milwaukee Admirals American Hockey League team; plays at the Bradley Center
- Brewers: Milwaukee Brewers Major League Baseball team; plays at Miller Park
- Bucks: Milwaukee Bucks National Basketball Association team; plays at the Bradley Center
- Wave: Milwaukee Wave Major Indoor Soccer League team
- Motor Racing: RacingWisconsin; covers automobile racing; information about racing in Milwaukee at the Milwaukee Mile (1.6 km); track search; racing also at nearby Great Lakes Dragaway (Union Grove), Lake Geneva Raceway, Road America (Elkhart Lake), and Slinger Speedway
- Marauders: Milwaukee Marauders Semi-pro football team
- College: Area colleges with NCAA athletic activities
- Golden Eagles: Marquette University; notable NCAA Division I men's basketball team; formerly known as the "Hilltoppers" then "Marquette Warriors" then "Marquette Golden Eagles" then "Gold" and then "Marquette Golden Eagles" again
- Panthers: University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee; notable men's NCAA Division I basketball
- Inferno: Alverno College; NCAA Division III
- Pioneers: Carroll College; NCAA Division III
- Raiders: Milwaukee School of Engineering; NCAA Division III
- Warriors: Wisconsin Lutheran College; NCAA Division III
- Falcons: Concordia University
- Community: Amateur, organized sports clubs, and special community sporting events
- Bicycling CCCC: Cream City Cycle Club; Milwaukee-area rides
- Bicycle Fed WI: Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin; works to make Wisconsin a better place to bicycle
- Football Bombers: Milwaukee Bombers; Australian Rules football club
- Cars SCCA: Sports Car Club of America Milwaukee Chapter
- River Challenge: Milwaukee River Challenge; a rowing regatta on the Milwaukee River along a 3.5 km course
- Rowing: Milwaukee Rowing Club; rowing on the Milwaukee river; clubhouse on Milwaukee River's west bank in the Beerline neighborhood
- Running Badgerland: Badgerland Striders running club
- Rugby: Milwaukee Rugby
- Sailing: Milwaukee Community Sailing Center; provides educational and recreational sailing programs to those who wish to gain access to Lake Michigan and learn to sail; located in Veterans Park at McKinley Marina
- Soccer Kickers: Milwaukee Kickers Soccer Club; provides people of all ages (with an emphasis on youth), genders, physical abilities and diverse backgrounds the opportunity to participate in soccer
- Skydive: Skydive Milwaukee; Sky Knights Sport Parachute Club; training first jump students in East Troy, WI
- Yacht MKE: Milwaukee Yacht Club; located north of the mouth of the Milwaukee River, just north of Veteran's Park on Lake Michigan
- Yacht SShore: South Shore Yacht Club; located south of the Milwaukee River mouth, south of the United States Coast Guard station on Lake Michigan
Milwaukee's civic life
Milwaukee's government and representatives at all levels
- Local: City and county government
- Vote: official voter information and support from the State of Wisconsin Elections Commission; check your voter information, find polling place, find out what is on the ballot, update your voter registration, register to vote, and request absentee ballot
- City: Milwaukee city government portal; covers elected city government; see
photo album page
- Fire: Milwaukee city Fire Department; see
photo album page
- Police: Milwaukee city Police Department
- County: Milwaukee County government; Milwaukee is seat to its eponymous county; see
photo album page
- Sheriff: Milwaukee County Sheriff
- State: State of Wisconsin access
- Wisconsin: State of Wisconsin government portal; a directory of Wisconsin government as well as information on public service, business, education, health, safety, and visitor information; see
photo album page
- Find Legislators: Use this service to look up representatives in Wisconsin government based on a street address
- Wisconsin: State of Wisconsin government portal; a directory of Wisconsin government as well as information on public service, business, education, health, safety, and visitor information; see
- Federal: The United State's government has a presence in Milwaukee through elected representatives and some facilities
- US Sen Baldwin: United States Senator
- US Sen Johnson: United States Senator Ron Johnson
- US House Rep: Wisconsin 4th District Representative Gwen Moore, Democrat, Milwaukee; first elected in 2004
- FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation Milwaukee Field Office; headquarters to and encompasses operations in six resident agencies located within the State of Wisconsin
- US Ct: The United States District Court Eastern District of Wisconsin
- US Bankruptcy Ct: United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Wisconsin
- BLM: Bureau of Land Management Milwaukee Field Office; administers public lands and minerals in 20 northeastern states
- HUD: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
- USCIS: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; services for immigration-related matters for the state of Wisconsin
- NWS: United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service; Milwaukee/Sullivan
- Army/84th IT: United States Army Reserve, 84th Institutional Training Division; headquarters in Milwaukee
- USCG: United States Coast Guard Group Milwaukee; home to three Coast Guard units including Marine Safety Office Milwaukee, Station Milwaukee and Electronics Support Detachment Milwaukee; site provides boating safety information
- WI ANG 128th AR: Wisconsin Air National Guard 128th Air Refueling Wing
- -USA Federal-: USA Federal Government links; links to major top-level Web sites related to the United States government; you can use these to locate federal services available in the area
Support for human needs and infrastructure
- Transport: Milwaukee offers a variety of transit options; because of its large population (Milwaukee County is by far the most populous county in the state) and small area (Milwaukee County is the second-smallest county in terms of land area in the state), this population density means that public transit can potentially work fairly well
- MKE Transit: summarizes transit options in the Milwaukee area; focus is on public transit; includes links to official Web sites where available and sources of further information about Milwaukee transit and projects
- UWM Transit: summarizes transit options serving the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee; includes specific forms of transit for locations throughout the Milwaukee area
- Streetcar: MKE Streetcar Destination Guide; information and destinations about the Milwaukee Streetcar
- MCTS: Milwaukee County Transit System; a bus transit system serving Milwaukee County; Milwaukee County Transit System was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award--the highest award a transit company can achieve--by the American Public Transit Association in 1987 and 1999
- The Hop: The Milwaukee Streetcar
- Bublr Bikes: Bike-sharing system
- Bike Fed: Wisconsin bicycling advocacy and suport
- Airport MKE: General Mitchell International Airport (MKE); the largest passenger airport in Wisconsin with over 400 daily departures and arrivals; many airlines offer non-stop service to major cities around the United States from MKE
- Airport MWC: Lawrence J Timmerman Airport; on Milwaukee's northwest side, offering air service to general aviation
- Port: Port of Milwaukee; major industrial port on Lake Michigan and the St. Lawrence Seaway System; handles general and project cargoes, roll on/ roll off, containers, dry and liquid bulk and heavy lifts in excess of 180 metric tons; provides vessel owners and cargo interests with cargo handling services
- Amtrak: Amtrak passenger train service; from Milwaukee Amtrak station at 5th and St. Paul Streets; train service south to Chicago and west to Minneapolis; also stop at MKE airport; see
photo album page
- Bicycle: Milwaukee by Bike; maps showing the trail systems for bicycles in Milwaukee county
- Car Free: Possible in Milwaukee; with good walkability and some transit systems, you could easily live without a car in Milwaukee--I do
- Car Sharing: Avoid owning a car; be car-free as much as possible, but keep the idea that you can rent or borrow a car only when you need it--for a big project or trip to far-out areas, for example
- GCM Corridor: Gary-Chicago-Milwaukee Corridor; information about and near real-time graphics depicting traffic in the Milwaukee area and south to Chicago and Gary, Indiana. Provided as an effort of the Gary-Chicago-Milwaukee Priority Corridor Partners: Illinois Department of Transportation, Indiana Department of Transportation, and Wisconsin Department of Transportation
- Freeways: Wisconsin Department of Transportation Milwaukee-area current travel information
- Human: Health and human services
- Access: health and nutrition benefits
- Aging Consortium: Milwaukee Aging Consortium; portal for aging-related information, activities, resources, and concerns; connects professionals who serve seniors; community-based agencies, residential facilities, allied health organizations, legal advocates, businesses, academic institutions, public agencies, and specialized aging networks
- BadgerCare: health program
- COA: Children's Outing Association Youth and Family Centers; services and programs for Milwaukee families; established 1906
- Center for Independence: Milwaukee Center for Independence; provides expert resources to assist children, adults and families with mental and physical disabilities to better live and work in the community
- Creative Trust: The Intergenerational Creative Trust Milwaukee; an alliance to foster life-long learning through the arts
- CUPH: Center for Urban Population Health; a collaboration of the University of Wisconsin Medical School, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Aurora Health Care; aims to meet the health needs of Wisconsin through education, research, patient care and service
- CVI: Center for Veterans Issues
- Disability Ind 1st: IndependenceFirst; resources for people with disabilities
- Disability Eisenhower Ctr: Eisenhower Center; serves adults with cerebral palsy, neurological disorders or other developmental disabilities by providing job training and therapy services as well as the opportunity for paid employment
- Domestic Violence: Sojourner Family Peace Cente; domestic violence programs to achieve a life free of violence
- Down Syndrome: Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin
- Emergency Community: Emergency Community Resource Contacts; includes shelters, hotlines, meal programs, and homeless health care
- Goodwill: Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Metropolitan Chicago; provides work opportunities and skill development for people with barriers to employment
- Habitat: Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity; opporunities for home ownership
- Homeless: Repairers of the Breach; grassroots advocacy for homeless and at-risk homeless
- Homeless shelter: The Guest House; provides shelter for adult men in the evening
- Homeless Vets: Milwaukee Homeless Veteran Initiative; services for veterans to maintain their highest level of independence
- Impact 211: services help (phone 211); helps to identify the needs of individuals and their connection to other life crises; Emergency Food, Alcohol or Other Drug Abuse, Health Care, Homelessness and Emergency Shelter, Financial Assistance, Family and Parenting Issues, Mental Health Care, Legal Assistance, Housing Concerns, and many more...
- KeytoChange: help for chronically homeless
- La Causa: Childcare agency, bilingual
- MKE Rising: lists resources that help people rise through equity, education, entrepreneurship, employment, and engagement; in 2020, a confluence of global events and conditions--a pandemic, economic dislocation, and racial injustice--revealed inequities in our local communities
- Mental Health: Mental Health America in Milwaukee County; improves the mental health of all individuals and achieving victory over mental illnesses through advocacy
- NextDoor: education center; helps families and children to develop skills for self-sufficiency
- Senior: Wisconsin Senior Services; Senior Resources Online; services available to older adults in the state of Wisconsin including alzheimer's, benefits, care, residential, elder abuse, family care, home health, hospice, hospitals, housing, nursing, and veterans.
- Sojourner: Family Peace Center; addresses domestic violence; shelter
- Summit: Summit Educational Association; tutoring and mentoring program for Milwaukee’s inner city children
- UMOS: United Migrant Opportunity Services; helps migrant and seasonal workers to improve their well-being, education, health, and housing
- Veterans Hosp: Clement J. Zablocki United States Veteran's Affairs Medical Center
- Vision Forward: resource for people of all ages who are blind or visually impaired
- -USA Human-: National Health and Human services; you can use these directories to find doctors, hospitals, dentists, and other health and human services
- Facilities: Institutions, units, organizations, or systems that build, distribute, plan, or and keep area resources or infrastructure working
- We Energies: trade name for Wisconsin Electric Power Company and Wisconsin Gas Company; provides gas, electric, and steam service in Milwaukee area to customers in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan; unit of Wisconsin Energy Corporation
- Sewage: Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District; a state-chartered, government agency providing wastewater services for 28 municipalities
- Regional Planning: Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission; the official areawide planning agency for the highly urbanized southeastern region of Wisconsin
- SWWTWater: Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds Trust; partnership established in 2008 to achieve healthy and sustainable water resources throughout the 2,849 square kilometer Greater Milwaukee Watersheds
- Waste: Recycle more Wisconsin Waste Reduction Coalition; an environmental organization consisting of local governments, state agencies, non-profits, businesses, schools, and environmental organizations to help reduce waste materials before the expense and energy consumption inherent in recycling; includes waste reduction resources and information
Access information about and in many cases read (or listen to) Milwaukee's media outlets
- Periodicals: Milwaukee's many publications offer Web sites with online content
- Journal Sentinel: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; daily newspaper
- Business Journal: Milwaukee Business Journal; weekday business-related newspaper
- Urban Milwaukee: Urban news, life and development; news stores and information source for everything Milwaukee--government, neighborhoods, people, transit, food, entertainment, and more
- Shepherd Express: weekly free newspaper; online as; covering entertainment, politics, opinion
- Milwaukee Independent: journalism inspiring social engagement
- OnMilwaukee: Website magazine and guide
- Biz Times: Small Business Times
- Milwaukee Times: Milwaukee Times Weekly
- Milwaukee Courier: Milwaukee Courier and Southeastern Star
- Milwaukee NNS: Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service; a project of United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee; reporting on local issues in five Milwaukee communities: Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, and the Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods of Burnham Park, Silver City and Layton Park
- Milwaukee Magazine: Monthly slick magazine; shows off Milwaukee culture and business; suburban and metro coverage
- Key Milwaukee: Visitor's guide to Milwaukee; paper copy distributed free at tourist information areas; online site has travel podcasts
- edible MILWAUKEE: quarterly magazine; print and online; covers the production, distribution, and consumption of food in Milwaukee
- Exchange: Exchange Magazine; online; offered by Outpost Natural Foods; previously a print publication
- Your Life: lifestyle newspaper; geared toward older demographic; distributed throughout the area
- MHL: Modern Health and Living; free, monthly about healthy living
- WI Gazette: Bi-weekly newspaper; based in Milwaukee; focuses on LGBT rights and issues
- Voices: Voces de la Frontera; labor monthly; Milwaukee and Racine
- BayView Compass: Bay View Compass; free monthly publication covering Bay View neighborhood, near mouth of the Kinnickinnic River
- Riverwest Currents: Covers neighborhood west of the Milwaukee River, Riverwest; also called Milwaukee's "Left Bank"; weekly free
- WI Law Journal: Wisconsin Law Journal; news and information for lawyers and judges
- Daily Reporter: Covers construction, law, and public records
- Jewish Chronicle: Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle
- Catholic Herald: Milwaukee Catholic Herald
- Spanish Journal: Spanish Journal
- Community Jrnl: Milwaukee Community Journal;
- GMToday: Greater Milwaukee Today
- UWM Post: University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee Post campus newspaper
- MATC Times: Milwaukee Area Technical College campus newspaper
- Milwaukee Record: entertainment, music, dining, opinion
- MU Wire: Marquette University campus news
- Marquette UP: Marquette University Press; publishes scholarly works in philosophy, theology, history, and other selected humanities
- Broadcast: Broadcast communications; Milwaukee' media broadcasters; directories give current listings of stations for radio and tv
- Radio-locator: List of radio stations within listening range of Milwaukee; from
- Radio Streema: Web-based radio stations in Milwaukee; from
- HD Radio: search for HD Radio Stations in Milwaukee, WI (ZIP code 53202); this form requires a zip code for searching; click the city name in upper right-hand corner; then enter 53202 for Milwaukee (the zip code of Milwaukee City Hall)
- TV Index: Television stations in the Milwaukee market
- TV Streema: Web-based tv stations in Milwaukee; from
Milwaukee's educational opportunities
- Higher: The Milwaukee area has more colleges and college students than anywhere else in Wisconsin
- Alverno: Alverno College; private liberal arts college for women offering undergraduate degrees; campus is on the southwest side of Milwaukee
- Art Institute: Art Institute of Wisconsin; part of a system of educational institutions located throughout North America; offering bachelor’s and associate’s degrees programs as well as nondegree programs; culinary, design, fashion and media arts professionals
- Bryant & Stratton: Bryant and Stratton College; a system of private career colleges; offers associate and bachelor degrees; Milwaukee campus is downtown
- Carroll: Carroll University; private liberal arts university; undergraduate and graduate degrees; campus is in Waukesha
- Concordia: Concordia University; private liberal arts university; offering undergraduate and graduate degrees; campus is in Mequon; one of ten colleges or universities in the Concordia University System, which is owned and operated by The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
- DeVry: Devry University; proprietary; undergraduate; career-oriented
- Keller: Keller Graduate School of Management, DeVry University; masters degrees for professionals; campuses across the USA
- Kaplan: Kaplan College; Milwaukee campus
- Lakeland: Lakeland College; private liberal arts college offering undergraduate and graduate degrees; has Milwaukee center; main campus is in Sheboygan
- Marian: Marian University; a Catholic applied liberal arts university; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees; campus is in Fond du Lac; West Allis center
- Marquette: Marquette University; independent research university; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, PhD's; Jesuit; campus is in downtown Milwaukee just west of the I94 and I43 highway interchange (the Marquette interchange); see
photo album page
- MATC: Milwaukee Area Technical College; public, two-year technical college; has four Milwaukee-area campus locations; largest technical college in Wisconsin; see
photo album page
- McPherson: McPherson College Milwaukee Continuing Education Center; requires a bachelor's degree for these courses designed for educators; a four year liberal arts institution affiliated with the Church of the Brethren in McPherson, Kansas
- MCW: Medical College of Wisconsin; private research college; offers MD, PhD, MS, MPH and MA degrees; major national research center; campus is in the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center
- MIAD: Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design; private, independent professional art and design college; offers undergraduate degrees; campus is located in Milwaukee's Third Ward; see
photo album page
- MSOE: Milwaukee School of Engineering; private engineering school; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees; campus is in downtown Milwaukee near Cathedral Square; see
photo album page
- Mount Mary: Mount Mary College; private women's college offering undergraduate and graduate degrees; campus is on the west side of Milwaukee
- NLU: National-Louis University; offers undergraduate and graduate programs; has worldwide campuses; has Milwaukee unit located on North Old World Third Street
- Ottawa: Ottawa University; liberal arts university; offers undergraduate degrees; has campuses across the USA; has Brookfield campus
- Phoenix: University of Phoenix; adult education and degree programs; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees; over 100 campus locations throughout the world; has unit in Brookfield
- St Francis: Saint Francis Seminary; prepares men for the priesthood and diaconate and men and women for professional lay ministry in the Church, in the Roman Catholic tradition
- Stritch: Cardinal Stritch University; independent university; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, PhD's; campus is in Glendale
- UW Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee; Tier 1 Research University; part of University of Wisconsin System, largest number of students on a UW campus outside of Madison; offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, PhD's; multiple campus locations throughout Milwaukee--Global Water Center, Kenilworth, Kenwood, Harbor, Research Park, School of Continuing Education at Plankinton Building, School of Public Health at The Brewery, etc; see
photo album page
- UW Waukesha: University of Wisconsin--Waukesha; part of the University of Wisconsin college system; offers undergraduate degrees; campus is in Waukesha; largest of the Wisconsin Colleges
- Upper IA: Upper Iowa University; private liberal arts college in Iowa; offers undergraduate degrees; campus locations around the USA; has campus in West Allis
- WCTC: Waukesha County Technical College; technical college; campus is in Pewaukee
- WLC: Wisconsin Lutheran College; independent college; offers undergraduate degrees; campus is in Milwaukee
- WSPP: Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology; graduate program in clinical psychology; offers Master's and doctoral (Psy.D.) degree in clinical psychology
- Schools: Milwaukee's primary, secondary, career, and trade schools
- K12: Local public schools
- Directory: Search for public and private schools
- UWEX: UW-Extension Milwaukee; practical information on gardening, technology, home issues
- Catholic: Roman Catholic schools in the area
- MCC: Milwaukee Career College; private, career-oriented education in office technology, software applications and certification, medical
- Strive Media: Strive Media Institute; mentoring and training program that provides at-risk high school students with the opportunity to gain real-world knowledge and experience in the field of mass communications
- WCMusic: Wisconsin Conservatory of Music; independent music school; provides the musical education and performance opportunities to aspiring professional musicians and children and adults who desire cultural enrichment; see
photo album page
Works to help you find out more about Milwaukee
- Guides: Learn more about Milwaukee with online guides that describe area attractions
- Local First: Local food and services
- Visit: Visitor's Guide; from the Greater Milwaukee Convention & Visitors Bureau
- About:'s entry for Milwaukee
- Consumer: Milwaukee Consumer; tips and discounts for area attractions, eats, and fun
- Key Milwaukee: Visitor's guide to Milwaukee; paper copy distributed free at tourist information areas; online site has travel podcasts
- MKE 7: Choose Milwaukee; economic development guidek put together by Milwaukee 7, the seven-county regional development organization; site offers relocation and expansion information, regional statistics, and a search engine for sites and buildings; counties are Kenosha, Milwaukee, Racine, Walworth, Waukesha, and Washington
- The Bubbler: Wisconsin information and directory; covers business listings, classifieds, events, and community information
- Discover Milwaukee: Guide and directory; targeted to people relocating to Milwaukee
- Boulevards:; an index and guide to Milwaukee features
- OnMilwaukee: Guide and directory
- Info Milwaukee: Events calendar
- Metro Milwaukee: Guide to metropolitan area
- The Scene: The Scene Ballroom; historic guide to a rock venue
- Indexes: Access online information about Milwaukee through general and specialized indexes
- Area Guide: entry for Milwaukee
- Yellow Pages: Search form; find businesses and organizations using the directory
- General: Find more information related to Milwaukee
- craigslist: Community bulletin board; yellow pages, apartment, and employment postings, community listings
- USA index: An index for the United States; resources to help you locate information about activities, events, places, sports, government, media, commerce, and reference information in the USA; You can use this page to locate information on other cities or information you couldn't find here
- -USA General-: General reference section of USA Index; lookup information in national directories for classified ads, jobs, discussion, or lookup resources
- JobCenterOfWisconsin: Wisconsin employment exchange; Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the Wisconsin Job Center system; linking employers in all parts of the state and in communities that border Wisconsin with anyone looking for a job
- Milwaukee jobs: Job directory
- WI Jobs: Wisconsin Jobs